


3 years, 1 day ago


tentacles / gelatinous texture / change colors with emotion (gray; neutral, red; upset, blue; sad, green; happy or overjoyed, pink; loving or flustered) origin point; lower back

cat / ferret hybrid

genderfluid / ace / ???-romantic (they them)

has an apartment in a vaporwave-esque city  of furries (city is a wip) 

chill mostly 

does enjoy a thrill / enjoys going on some villainous escapades with jay although they don't consider themselves to be a villain. more of an enabler if anything.

😳 @ jay lmao I'm not sorry

very flexible. due to the cat and ferret aspects they can easily get into places most can't and are also very floppy and noodly ?? enjoys being thrown or dragged sometimes 

design notes for myself ;
to get the light orange fur texture, i usually use the fluffy watercolor brush + soft eraser. can probably achieve the same using watercolor brushes [probably best to layer it??]

kink in tail / finger and toe pads but no palm pad / claws are retractable / pupils do the cat thing / has a more cat face shape + cheek fluff are just sort of triangles?? can be messy. they just tend to brush it into place / ears turned inwards, cannot turn outwards + can twitch in place / lovecore outfit idea / "im with stupid ↑" shirt + shorts + matching jay jacket