Haiii anyone in my th besides irls, sonas, & retired? ^^

haii does this knite interest u? o_O

no im sorry >_<"

its okey :33 

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i wouldnt use him sorry !!

No worries! I’m sorry to bug once more, but I was wondering if this Kchu https://toyhou.se/22860765.diamond would interest you for https://toyhou.se/9638098.fujisango , https://toyhou.se/10825439.110-cupcake and https://toyhou.se/10204347.35-snaley ?

They’re worth about $500, but I could honestly consider lowballing for those guys, if not though I understand just lmk

youre okay!! dont apologize, i dont mind reoccuring offers!

unfortunately im not interested in the oc at all :(

I can offer a pop design plus anyone in ufo plus 3 fulls!!


sorry for offering again T-T !! I had a better offer

zsunny if I got this design for you https://toyhou.se/2189126.swaps-three plus everything offered above would you accept my offer ? /genq 

if you got just three alone id accept in a heartbeat !, i wouldnt mind taking everything else too, but just three by themself id be fine with trading crumble ^^

okay !! TYSM for letting me know !

I wasn’t able to get them :{ would you accept https://toyhou.se/18024703.miu ? If not miu then https://toyhou.se/5078716.eo-buttercream ? Since they’re both pop designs

i honestly wouldn’t mind if you wanted both

im not sure!! ill think about it ^^

7 Replies
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does anyone from the links in this profile interest u?


nope sorry!

Do gift cards interest u for them by any chance? ^^

id probably prefer usd itself instead of it being thru giftcards ^^

Aa sadly I can’t offer that- ty anyway tho!^^

hiii! Anyone in my th besides me and personas folder (and ocs w Trade back) interest ya? More in unsorted!

i didnt see anyone id use!

would anyone from my TH or from [ my main ] interest u? (w/ both accs combined it's a lot of pages sorry DJFJD) on my main i'm more tent but i'm def willing to consider if anyone does (outside of the link is way less likely)

can add art/animations if anyone catches ur eye that's worth less! but it depends on the char :O

i didnt see anyone i’d use sorry!!

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theyre really cute, but i dont think id use them much!! thank you though ^^

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anyone in my th? if not i could do their full worth w a small hold :3

i didnt see anyone!! and im not 100% sure if id take them for resale alone, i might draw them a little more to see if i end up reconnecting or not (which would make them a little more pricey , nothing over 150 though)

ill let you know in a few days if you'd like!

alright no worries!! ^u^ and sure ur welcome to let me know thatd be great 💗

I can do anyone here but these are the pop designs :D

hiii! can you look through my th for anyone who interests you? i can also do a lot of art!

i didnt see anyone and i wouldnt take art alone ^^;

Anyone in my ufo folder or secondary and teritary (very very tent with foreverhomed sections). I can also offer 3 customs and 2 fulls

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Hello! Would you consider https://toyhou.se/20190771.lilac for them? ^^

no sorry!!

Okay :D thank you for the quick reply ^^

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i like them but i wouldn't trade crumble for the nemu 💔 and i didn't rlly see anyone else sorry!!

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AWHW the creatur.... name them cookie or crumble/crumb /nf 


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