Huck (Riley) Cujo



3 years, 5 days ago


A young teen stands in their room


Your name is Riley K. Cujo, but most of your friends (the very few of them you have) call you HUCK. You're living amongst the sunny rolling hills of...some...American state. You're not actually sure where you are, your PA never told you. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for the HUMBLE FARM LIFE. You use modern technology but are NOT VERY GOOD with it- You just need it to talk to your CHUMS. You like YOUR CHORES, even if everyone else thinks it's WORK, and you're REALLY GOOD WITH GUNS. You also like to play GAMES sometimes, if you aren't busy.

You can't PHYSICALLY COUNT PAST 4, your spelling and reading skills leave MUCH TO BE DESIRED, and your only remaining family is your brother (a shetland sheepdog named ROOSTER), and your PA's taxidermized corpse.

>Git' a move on ==>

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's Fine, Yer fine, we's is all hooman, ya know! normal hooman naycher. we make mistakes, 's a fact o' life.
― Huck Cujo
Riley Kristal Cujo
Heir of Blood
Screen Name
Typing Style
Types in regular syntax. Frequently makes spelling and grahmeticul eruhs (grammatical errors) with longer or more complicated words. Will often input a "=" as a stand in for their teeth in emoticons :)=
Strife Specibi
Shotgunkind (main), Repeaterkind (inherited), Fistkind (infrequent)
Fetch Modus
Horseshoes, Chainlink (current)
Pa - genetic father Rooster - adoptive brother, caretaker
Live(s) in
"The middle of redneck country-fuck nowhere" (Vague farmland just outside of equally vague town in Southern USA)
Land of Chains and Snow, Land of Summer and Critters
Farming, fighting, the hard labour
numbers and strict rules
+country or folk songs

"Huck" Riley K. Cujo is the country-loving farmer kid that stands as the "ray of sunshine" in any group. Although uneducated and a little "vacant" in mind, they've inherited a heart of gold from their father and a sense of adventure.



From a young age, Huck had learnt to take care of not only themself, but an entire farm. they ran the place entirely by themself, not counting the animals or their brother Rooster (the dog), and they make reasonable money to stay afloat on their own. This is primarily due to inheriting the farm left to them by their father, one Lochlan Cujo, an old west outlaw who'd retired and became a farmer in his later years...although it's a mystery how he'd managed to stay so relatively young for someone who'd lived for so long. Lochlan himself was shot dead, and then taxidermized and given back to Huck by an unknown source. Regardless, the death of their father never bothered them, as they spoke to the corpse as if it had never been dead at all. Their talking to their taxidermized father had earned Huck a reputation for being strange, as well as their tendency to heal quickly and fight wild animals with their bare hands.

As Technology advanced, Huck became accustomed with it and, although they're quite PAST some major upgrades, is current with the times. They use the internet and a phone to connect to the rest of the world via internet

Personality & Traits

Huck is the nature loving kind of person, more specifically farm life. Although they do appreciate technology, they much prefer the simple honest lifestyle of working on a family farm and making your own food just like papa did. Wake up to the sound of a rooster and all that. They also seem to be a bit of a rambunctious teen, always getting into clumsy trouble and getting an endearing "oh you!" As they fall out of trees or get stuck in things and get into all kinds of well meaning shenanigans.

one of Huck's biggest fears is being stuck behind an office desk and punching numbers. Sure they get why some people like it but it really isn't them. They don't like stuffy spaces or things that are too uniform or clean. They like pretty and fancy things in small amounts, but couldn't imagine living that way.

They have a special connection with their life's purpose, growing up inheriting the farm (making them the heir by blood of the farm’s ownership wink wonk) and making a simple and honest living for the rest of their life.They are exceptionally proud of the work they do. They hate when people disrespect that, and would be upset if that purpose and goal was ever ripped away from them.


Huck is extremely tall (5'10 pre-game and 6'4 post-game) and EXTREMELY LANKY, leaning on the slightly thinner side due to their limbs being so long. Your go to for getting things off of shelves. They have strong upper body muscles supposedly from climbing in trees and falling out of them and climbing up again just to fall again. Twiggy with a deceptive amount of extra muscle, a stronger version of a beanpole if you will. They inherited this trait, surprising strength included, from their father. Their abyssmal posture makes them look just a tad shorter than they are in reality.

Their skin colour is on the tan side of the spectrum, thanks to plenty of days out in the sun, but still just light enough to show freckles. Obvious tan lines show their true skin colour is very pale. Their body is littered with freckles and scars, the latter being caused by rather mundane or silly events.

They have wide, circular eyes that are an unusual orange in colour, often described by others as resembling honey or amber stone. Continuing the trend of unusual features, they also have rather iconic large ears and two buck teeth that stick out of their mouth more often than not.


Lochlan Cujo

Heheh, gosh, That's a funny way of puttin' it. Y'know, most people don't get this close t' me! 's kinda new t' me, so excuse my awkwardness.
― Lock, upon meeting his "pardner" for the first time.

The outlaw turned farmer that is Huck's biological father. Known by many names in the wild west, this repeater shooting, horse riding, mouth foaming cryptid of a man was feared by all, but loved by few. Originally a member of the Sunset Gang, the exacts of his outlaw life is fuzzy. He was known for having crazy eyes and a foaming mouth, both from the rabies he contracted at an early age and survived. The timeline of his life is incredibly fuzzy, and evidence suggests he lived much much longer than he should have, having been an outlaw in the late 1890s.

He was eventually shot, killed, and stuffed by an unknown assailant. Some theorize that he may have been displayed in a museum once, before he was returned to his next of kin due to shady practice and legal issues.


A Shetland sheep dog that looks after Huck as a caretaking figure. The wise dog often plays with and helps Huck around the farm. Huck affectionately refers to Rooster as their older brother entirely, having no known siblings.


  • Although Huck is nonbinary, appearance-wise they don’t intentionally present androgynously. They don’t seem to care about how they look at all (at least dysphoria wise) and just like what’s comfy for them. They prefer being who they are as they are.
  • They are frequently mistaken for a cis girl face-to-face, and a cis boy over memos, as they fail to elaborate that they are nonbinary properly. Huck either forgets or neglects to correct others often.
  • a tractor on Huck's property and Rooster the dog combined to create Huck's sprite-- tractoroo sprite.
  • Huck's Voice Claim is Lara Jill Miller, who voiced Haru in Beastars and, more recognisably, Widget in Wow Wow Wubbzy