Bennet Cooper



9 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


"Ayashe" meaning Little one. Or Coop/Cooper. Never Ben/Benny






Man for hire, odd jobs. Werewolf hunter.


Bennet Cooper was born to a John Bennet Cooper a traveling Cowboy and his mother Ehawee of the Sioux tribe. John traveled with many a companion as they herded cattle and horses from place to place. One day John had been hit with a sickness with a feaver and could not travel. Not knowing what to do his men sought help of a near by tribe with offering them 3 horses as payment for his recovery. The woman to see to him was Ehawee, and during his care they developed a relationship. They knew little of eachothers language but during his lengthy recovery they taught eachother many things. Including making Bennet. The sickness had weakened John leading to his death. His immune system not able to fight off his sickness fully. 

Thankfully his weak immune system did not pass on to his only son, whom was named after his father. He was given a nickname of Ayashe, something much easier for the tribe to call him. Being born to both a white man and a native american woman we would lead a hard life out side of the tribe. Something special happened in this tribe, this was known as "The Pack" It wasnt until Bennet reached his teenage years that he learned of his gift found under the moon, to some a curse. A born werewolf, carrying his mothers dominant trait he was accepted in the pack and ran with the others. As he grew so did his control and ability to be a leader. He never wanted to be pack leader and refused to take control. One day a rogue werewolf perhaps from a neighboring tribe came onto their lands and shed blood of a young female wolf, killing her. Bennet felt like it was his fault for her death, and at that point sought out to hunt werewolves, those with no control. 

Some of the talents he took with him was his ability to work with horses, a creature that could easily sense his un-human abilities. He could care for himself and easily make shelter, hunt, make clothing and other things of that nature. He was good with a knife and decent with a gun, using plants and nature to care for himself, but his biggest and grandest talent was his shifting controls. He could hit any body shift ranging from wolf to man, except for on the full moon. The full moon he would become a hybrid, not yet wolf and not quite man. His most powerful stage and also hardest to control. 

After going off to live the life of a cowboy, he found the only way to make ends meet if he wanted to live in society was to get odd jobs. Many people would not hire him because of his heritage, he was scrutinized for being a "half breed" or a "mutt" even still called a savage. He often times kept to himself and stayed silent unless he was in a place of comfort.