Reynaud Archana



3 years, 13 days ago


Key Information 

Name Reynaud Archana

Nicknames Rey/Ray

DOB January 25

Age 23

Gender Male

Height 5'10"

Setting1920s Fantasy Brooklyn

Birth PlaceRochester, NY

Rank Wild Card | Seasoned



A rather quiet and usually straight faced male who drives on in life the best he can despite any happenings. He is overall friendly and enjoyed company, though finds it hard as he was once a hired private investigator that didn't make many friends in his line of work. He has many regrets he tries not to dwell over, as many are out of his hands are and just the world continuing without him.
Despite any resting faces that may seem less than pleasant, he's by no means apathetic and will happily heartily laugh or show distress if it comes up, if anything a more emotional man of his time who had been softened by his 'wife' and saw no need to hold up a emotionless male attitude. He doesn't like to often be the center of attention, so usually tries to play a more background like character roll.
He's also a man of routine, falling into patterns if given the chance and let's them drive him on through the days. It leaves him to his doesn't idle long enough to think more serious parts of his life over, that leave him seriously depressed and wondering if more things out of his control were his fault to begin with


  • ✦ Hard [+1 Toughness]
  • ✦ Alertness [+2 any sense]
  • ✦ Extra Luck [+2 bennies at start of game (3)]
  • ✦ Investigator [+2
    Investigation, Streetwise, Notice rolls]
  • ✦ Beast Master
    ✦ Beast Bond


  • ✦ Poverty [1/2 money]
  • ✦ Short Tempered [-2 to taunts/social conflicts]
  • ✦ Impulsive

Stats | Skills | MAGIC | 

Bennies: 5


Derived Stats
(A) Agility
(SM) Smarts
(SP) Spirit

Parry (2)
B 2 | M 0
Pace (6)
B 6 | M 0

(V) Vigor

Toughness (7)
B 6 | M 1
Charisma (0)
B 0 | M 0


Fighting II
Healing III
Intimidation II

Lockpicking II
Investigation III

Riding II
Psionics I

Stealth III
Streetswise III

Shooting II

Magic :: 10 PP

NamePower PointsRangeDuration
Havoc2-4SM x 2InstantWhile unpredictable, this spell allows a wizard to  change the field of battle in an instant as targets  are thrown in every direction. With a success, the caster places a Medium  Burst Template anywhere within range. Any  character touched by the template must make  a Strength roll (at –2 if the caster gets a raise).  Any target that fails is knocked 2d6” in a random  direction (roll a d12 and read the result as a clock 133 Powers facing) and becomes prone. If the target strikes  an inanimate object, he is Shaken as well. Targets  with cover may subtract the cover modifier from  the total distance moved (to a minimum of 0),  and flying targets suffer an additional –2 to their  Strength roll. Additionally, roll a d6 to see if the  flyer is moved toward the ground (1 – 2), stays level  (3 – 4), or is moved away from the ground (5 – 6).
► Additional Effects: For double the Power  Points, havoc affects a Large Burst Template

3 – 5Touch10 minutes
Malleable features, illusionary  appearance, hair of new form. Disguise allows the character to assume the  appearance (but none of the abilities) of another  person. The base cost is 3 Power Points, plus  1 point per level of Size difference between the  character and the person she is impersonating.  The character cannot emulate someone more  than 2 Size levels different from themselves. It  requires a Notice roll at –2 to see through disguise if someone is familiar with the specific person  mimicked; the penalty increases to –4 with a  raise. If unfamiliar, the penalties are –4 and –6  respectively
Beast Friend
Sm 3
Med 5
Large 8
Smarts x 100 yards
10 minutes
The mage concentrates and gestures
with his hands.
This spell allows mages to speak with and
guide the actions of nature’s beasts. It works
only on creatures with animal intelligence, not
humanoids. Nor does it work on conjured, magical,
or otherwise “unnatural” animals.
The target must be within the sorcerer’s
range — it is not conjured


S&M DA .3812/24/4512d63 lbs6/6Revolver
Boot Knife--ST+d41 lb-

Pistol Bullets---2 lbs-x 199

Boots, Gloves, Hat. Overcoat, Shirt, PantsBasic Clothing-


Duffel Bag
Doctor's Bag
Duffel Bag2 lbs
Repair Kit
Duffel Bag2 lbs
FlashlightDuffel Bag2 lbs
LighterDuffel Bag-
Batteries(10)Duffel Bag-
CanteenDuffel Bag1 lb
Lockpick SetDuffel Bag1 lb
CrowbarDuffel Bag2 lbs
Hair Tonic (5oz)Duffel Bag-
9 Bricks of ChocolateDuffel Bag1.5 lbs

Skeleton KeyPocket
Strange PaperPocket

Zoo Ticket x4Pocket
Circus Flyer Pocket

BedrollBase4 lbs
BlanketBase4 lbs
SoapApartment1 lb

[WEAPONS]-6 lbs


  • His name is often mispronounced, and he's come to accept his life. [how to say his name: Reynaud & Archana]
  •      - Nicknames so far: Reynaldo, Reynerd, Reynald, Reynard
  • Married at 17, when he was still in Rochester. He moved to Brooklyn soon after his marriage.
  • He got his scar when he was still a newbie at a private investigator
  • Favorite Foods and Drinks:
  • Loved the sensation of his spouse laying on him as he laid on his stomach, running her hands through his hair as he drifted off. The weight of someone he trusted so near and the gentle but loving touch was something he never tired of. 
  • Hates the feeling of damp/wet socks, and also rain in general from causing this disgusting feeling. The heavy and moist air around him always feels heavy in the wrong way, and makes him feel like everything is going to go wrong. 
  • Was raised a Christian, though as he grew older he grew away from the practices aside from attending church on Sundays with his mother. He currently has no religious alignment, but occasionally falls back on old teachings when times get harder. 
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas quam nec ante pretium, nec commodo lectus porta.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas quam nec ante pretium, nec commodo lectus porta.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas quam nec ante pretium, nec commodo lectus porta.


Childhood (birth - 9) 

born between two young parents, father leaving before he was even born (out of wedlock)
mother had hardships for her choice of wanting to carry the child to term, but did so and raised Reynaud while living at home with her parents
had a rather normal life as far as he knew, curious and playful as a young boy would be. and rather cheerful despite his always frowning grandparents. occasionally getting into trouble as many boys did but nothing more then a skinned knee or scratch
mother married when 8 to slightly older and successful male, wedding going through fully when he was 9. step-father more then happy to take a spot in the prebuilt family and treated reynaud as his own son. they moved into his larger house after, leaving behind the grandparents to never be seen again.

Adolescence (10 - 17)

mother still settling in as a wife, but reynaud grows older and wants more freedom away from watching eyes. allowed out and starts helping with shopping and errands so parents can rest and relax more.
gets a job a a courier at 11 for a business near their house, mostly delivering letters to a small area but occasionally got packages for rush delivery to certain people. is a rather steady paying job and sticks to it until he started working in a precinct he'd deliver to often.
at 13, officially started working there as errands boy/server. most of his days filled with making coffee or treats, or running stacks of letters and paperwork between the sections of the building. life is always active, with all sorts of being being held over night or longer depending on their crimes. sparked his love for investigating and his curiosity for finding answers in the unknown.
at 16 he met his future 'wife', sweet as can be and often would come by the police office with treats (worked at a near by bakery that would give their extra to the police station for keeping them safe, only gentle briber) and came to adore them so. they hit it off quickly, and started spending more time with one another every moment they could.

Marriage (17 - 23)

married in early winter, right before reynaud's 17th birthday. though they discussed staying in the area, they both wanted to move to a bigger city and get away. they agreed on brooklyn and once married and their goodbyes said (mostly reynaud saying goodbye to his family as elma had none) they moved with very little possession wise.
they settled in nicely, making friends with a few neighbors but often kept to themselves mostly. Elma becoming a house wife for the most part who would sell her cooking for some extra money.
Rey got a new job, this time as a PI (still 17). a mostly boring job but still exciting to him in it's own way
great depression was taking its toll though, money sometimes being tight but ends were always met and they took time out of their day to spend with one another to enjoy each other's company
edward is kill when rey is 21, wearing on them more as rey blames himself and wonders if he could have stopped it. though elma assures him he did what he could, it's still haunts him until eventually he tried to let it go and move on with life. work is slow and he starts taking up odd jobs to make ends meet, more tired then before but doing his best
Elma started becoming more secretive towards the end, as if hiding something from rey. though rey asked if anything was wrong and if there was anything he could do to help if so, he was never given an answer and could only hope it wasn't anything serious being kept from him.
elma left suddenly, leaving rey in the house alone


doing his best to survive, often falling into patterns to keep himself waking up every morning and going through the motions. he becomes more reserved and constantly wonders where elma ran off to, be it with another lover or because of the secret they kept to themselves.
rey tells himself it's not a terrible life, but is far from a life he desires to be in long term.

Then one morning, while out for coffee, Reynaud hears a explosion and two gunshots in the distance. He runs off to investigate, wondering what could be happening in the early hours of the day. 

Cheetah Stats 


Derived Stats
(A) Agility
(SM) Smarts
(SP) Spirit

Parry (6)
B 6 | M 0
Pace (8)
B 8 | M 0

(V) Vigor

Toughness (4)
B 4 | M 0
Charisma (0)
B 0 | M 0


Stealth III
Notice IV

Climbing II
Fighting II


✦ Acrobat: +2 to Agility rolls to perform acrobatic maneuvers; +1 to Parry if unencumbered.
✦ Bite/Claw: Str+d4
✦ Low Light Vision: Cats ignore penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
✦ Fleet-Footed: Roll a d10 when running instead of a d6.


S&M DA .3812/24/4512d63 lbs6/6Revolver
Boot Knife--ST+d41 lb-

Pistol Bullets---2 lbs-x 199

Boots, Gloves, Hat. Overcoat, Shirt, PantsBasic Clothing-


Duffel Bag
Doctor's Bag
Duffel Bag2 lbs
Repair Kit
Duffel Bag2 lbs
FlashlightDuffel Bag2 lbs
LighterDuffel Bag-
Batteries(10)Duffel Bag-
CanteenDuffel Bag1 lb
Lockpick SetDuffel Bag1 lb
CrowbarDuffel Bag2 lbs
Hair Tonic (5oz)Duffel Bag-
9 Bricks of ChocolateDuffel Bag1.5 lbs

Skeleton KeyPocket
Strange PaperPocket

Zoo Ticket x4Pocket
Circus Flyer Pocket

BedrollBase4 lbs
BlanketBase4 lbs
SoapApartment1 lb

[WEAPONS]-6 lbs



Elma Archana Wife [MIA]

Adored and loved by Reynaud, he's still rather heartbroken about how Elma left without much of a explanation (in mid-January, shortly before 23rd birthday). Despite this, he's still faithful to his wife and wears their wedding ring.


Edward Stephens old Partner [Dead]

Edward and Rey started off together in the same line of work, and wear paired due to this. They didn't hit it off right away but became closer as they worked together and came to accept one another. Even outside work they would keep each other company and trusted one another with their lives.
After Edward's death, Rey fell into a depression and often blames himself and wonders if he could have saved him. He tries not to linger long but hopes whatever the afterlife holds for his partner is pleasant.


Charlie Familiar/Pet

Simply loved by Reynaud, even if he isn't the most friendly. Often just called 'Kitty' or 'Cat' (or just cheetah), Reynaud still cares for the sassy cheetah.


Bishop Malcom Teammate

Having seen Bishop in his younger and more devious years, that still wasn't held against him while Reynaud investigated his activities. Bishop was just another person trying to make life, and he went down a less savory path to do so. He see's Bishop as a friend during current times, and is happy to see him grow as a person. 


Kathleen 'Kat' Grayjoy Teammate

An odd lady with a strange obsession with her couch, but Reynaud tries not to judge. Her lack of charisma at times leaves him rubbing his face, along with her strange desire to be a deviant, but he is indifferent to her aside from that and sees her as a friend or at least acquaintance. 


Phoenix Stafford Teammate

A strange cowboy who is doing his best in life, with what comprehension he has of the area. Having grown up in city limits with limited contact aside from that, Rey does find him odd, but also sweet and helpful.
He however despises his early risings and desire to wake everyone due to this. He is otherwise indifferent and sees him as a friend or at least acquaintance.


Horse With No Name Teammate

A entertaining creature with attachment issues, but overall the horse seems to be nice enough. Helpful at times, even if the help is more of a pain.


Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum ligula nec gravida posuere. Nullam fringilla suscipit accumsan. Suspendisse aliquet vehicula nunc, tempor efficitur velit venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis mauris.


I'm empty here, OH NO