Yume (πŸ’• Crush Dream)



"I'm sure that's just him being friendly." YUME (CRUSH DREAM)

  • In this world, Yume and Solem have been friends for years after meeting in college. They have a fairly chill life (when they aren’t stressing about grades), and hang out with each other in the evenings by watching movies/going to arcades. Basically they're almost already dating though neither one of them knows it.

  • Yume enjoys her friendship with Solem, but she doesn’t want to ruin it by developing feelings for him, so she pushes her feelings away thinking that there’s no chance of him liking her as more than a friend. Little does she know he actually feels the same.

  • I don't know what else to say, still figuring some things out, but this is just a really fluffy dream to combat all the other angsty ones they get thrown into lol

  • Starts out quiet, but once she's comfortable enough to talk it's hard to get her to stop.
  • Yume is easily excited. Loves talking about her interests.
  • Stays up too late and suffers in the mornings.
Design Notes:
  • Don't forget her heart-shaped birthmark above her left eye!
  • Wears cute and comfy clothes!
  • Pinterest Board
  • Yume rambles about her interest while Solem happily listens
  • Yume forces herself to think of Solem as just a friend, denying her crush
  • Basically goes on dates with Solem all the time