Basic Info




More than 1000(?) years


June 7th


5" 1'

Hair Color


Eye Color


Tail Color

Dark Grey

Sexual Preference



Farmer by hobby, Fire Magic Teacher. Modern Day Nature Activist.


Farming, Very Spicy Chicken, Fancy Gatherings


People that hate Mythics, Monsoons, Gels


   Zelis was originally born in the Medieval era, under a different name and originally human. Her family was one of the few that knew about mythics and tried to coexist with them on a daily basis when the Church wasn't watching over them. For her, this was her normal everyday life while struggling to help keep her family's farm afloat. Her life soon changed after one fateful night while she was making sure the sheep were safe, as she could hear a clash of metal in the distant forest. She grabbed a lantern and began going into the forest, only to encounter a centaur fighting off what appeared to be a warlock with an iron staff.  While the Centaur was fighting with his brutal might, the warlock seemed to be doing spells that were quieter and not as flashy, like it was trying to stay stealthy to the others around them. However, when the warlock decided to put a hex curse on the centaur, he moved out of the way and it ended up hitting her in the process. She collapsed in intense pain, as the lantern crash to the ground, and the fire only seeking to ignite her body and not the world around her like a baptism of fire. When she awoke, she was in a crater of charcoal and ashes, with her body much different from what she used to be.

   Returning home brought many eyes glued to her, most wondering who she was and why she was here. It took a lot of convincing her folks and the people around her to understand what has happened, with even some wizards from The Order needing to come in to research what has happened to her. Only coming to the conclusion that the combination of the fire and curse caused her to take on dragon properties, like the ones seen in fairy tales. She began just adapting to her new alterations, as she was able to work almost 3 times as hard and even defend better than any crusader could. Even coming to learn and understanding her natural fire magic powers, controlling it better than any apprentice would ever dream of. When her folks died, she was still as young as she was before the changes, now left on her own and becoming a part of the little town. She renamed herself Zelis Umireos as a way to make herself look grander. They came and went but the respect for her seemed to grow as generations came and went.

   Hundreds of years after the end of the Medival Era, The Order began covering up more and more Mythics, including herself. To the point that the whole town could become erased from the map just to hide her. She decided then to leave the town and travel towards the mountains, though leaving a lasting impact on the town that shaped their identity. Within these mountains, she took up the mantle of making her own farm more as a hobby, one that would be more secluded from the human world. She used to come down for special occasions held inside castles, but as time went on and the castles began to be used less and less, she too came down from the mountain less often. The only times she interacts with the people now are the ones that climb up the mountain and need a resting stop, or ones actively seeking her for training with fire magic.

   But during what many label as the 3rd World War, she could no longer stand idle as her old home was being attacked and torn down, causing her to leave her safety up in the mountains and join the war. Eventually leading a fire-centric squad within the European nations and fighting alongside the humans she once distances herself from. When the war ended, she turned her focus to becoming a Nature Activist, teaching those about the dangers that fire can cause as well as how to preserve nature. Currently, she now lives once more in the town she grew up in. In some instances helping with Mythics and Humans adjusting to their coexistence. She still has a hobby of taking care of a farm but with her centuries of experience as well as her recent freedom from the "old" Order's restrictions, she hopes to use her knowledge and even her fire magic to help make the world a better place.