
6 years, 11 months ago


Zuga to put it, really hates himself hard core, mostly because of the actions he's committed. When he was younger, his family was robbed by bandits. The bandits decided to also take the child, which ended up in the murder of his father who tried to save his son. Once taken away, him last seeing his mother crying, He had tried to escape during the trip to the bandits hut, but they brought him back and attempted to as punishment, take his right eye, instead there is just a cut, as one of the bandits thought it was too cruel to take a child's eye. He grew up with the bandits, they forced him to steal, learn how to kill and to help clean around the base. His hate for the bandits slowly went away, as some were not as bad as the others. He still wanted revenge against the one bandit who killed his father. But before he was old enough to kill him, the bandit had died of a disease. Once he grew older he left the den, but was left with a sense of loneliness. He was used to being around many others, despite him not liking them all. But he wanted to see if his mother was still alive. He looked for her, but realized he had forgotten where he had lived once before. During the journey to try to find his mother, he takes assassination jobs in order to stay alive. He had thought about ending his life for the people he had killed still weighed on his mind everyday. But he decided to stay alive and bear that pain. The guilt he felt. Till he died naturally. Dying to him, was to easy. He does not see himself as good, not at all. He is still bothered by the fact how easily he can take a life. But than he remembered a bandit had told him once, the more you kill, the easier it gets.