
3 years, 10 days ago


[BC] Themes:



[CI] Kino Baskerville


[CI] Female, Tomboy


[CI] Maydidi


[C] Demonic Magic. The Baskervilles are known for the occult, with many generations of mastery over their magic. In reality it is a curse laid on the family meant to destroy their lives but the Baskervilles decided to utilize this curse they now had instead. They use ancient spell casting books to expand their own abilities, but unlike the curse these are not passed down.

[C]Features of the curse are scorching horns appearing on their head, scorching hot claws, full body color shift (including eyes), brighter marks on the dark parts, and a mane that grows longer and over to cover where their horns come out.


[CI] Apprentice Head


[CI] ????


[BC]”Hello hello, and you are? Wait. Wait. You’re familiar. I think? Maybe?” She tilted her head. “Well don’t matter. You were looking for the Hound right? Sorry to be disappointing, but you’re looking at her.” She shifted nervously. “Everyone thinks I’m the Hound, but I’m not. Yet they still think so. It’s a little frustrating.”



[C]• [Bern|]- Sibling (?) that was “surprise adopted” from a lesser branch of the family.

[CI]They passed the vibe check.




[C]• She really likes fruits and breads

[C]• Meeting new people and seeing new places but it may be hard to tell that.

[C]• Being able to keep to herself


[C]• Being mistaken as a boy

[C]• Getting soaked by rain, it’s fine if it’s normal rain but most rain in her area is acid rain.

[C]•Getting dragged into problems that she has no relation to


[C]• Prone to strong emotions and fairly expressive. Overall very friendly, but keeps her personal distance. Gets nervous when the Hound of the Baskervilles is brought up and is able to make herself angry to summon out her magic.


[CI]• -wip-


[C]• -wip-

[BC]Obtained through-

[C] Patreon Myo!