Basic Info


Stardust Dreams


Bunny/Dog (Golden Retriever)




21, ages with me




roughly 5'10


works at the observatory


notes for future edits: update ref sheet!! include new colour palette, accessories, some outfits?, pride flags, likes/dislikes?, emotions, pets

Important Design notes:

  • five fingers, four toes (humanoid handpaws, animal-like feetpaws)
  • eyebrows not eye dots!
  • has dark blue freckles
  • he has bunny ears, his left ear flops over roughly half way down the ear
  • small white claws are optional
  • usually drawn plantigrade, but digitigrade is good too!
  • hair is shaggy and can swoop around his ears
  • blood/flesh are normal (pink tongue, red blood, etc)
  • paw pads, nose, and inside of ears are black/dark grey
  • his hair changes colour
  • lighter blue = neutral/normal
  • darker blue = happy
  • black/grey = sad, 
  • red = angry
  • green = anxious
  • His colour palette can vary. try different shades of blue, feel free not to colour-pick. As long as the end of arms and legs are darker.

Important Character notes:

  • his favourite foods are hamburgers, pizza, and ramen. He likes a lot of food! He's not great with spice, though
  • he wants to be an astronaut
  • in a relationship with Milo the Maine Coon
  • his dad is a golden retriever, and his mom is a rabbit. 
  • he has a pet Guinea pig named Rhino that he takes wonderful care of

Important Personality notes:

Stardust is generally a very happy person, and seems to have a lot of energy. He's loud and bouncy, sometimes too loud, although he has definitely chilled out over the years, he is still extroverted. He's loving, giving, and understanding. 
as a teenager, he put others needs over his own, the intense need to fix everyone's problems lead to neglecting his health. 
He didn't realize how harmful this could be until he got older. Now, he understands that he needs to care for himself, before he can care for others. 
He's at his happiest when he is sitting somewhere with friends, doing something they all enjoy. He enjoys the small things.

Draw Stardust in the following ways:
heavy gore, heavy drugs

candy gore, weed & psychedelics, any emotion or pose

I would enjoy art of Stardust with the following themes:
stargazing, floating in space, on a spaceship/as an astronaut, eating food, at pride/with his pride flags, playing video games, with Milo, smoking weed, with kidcore & rave aesthetics