


3 years, 9 days ago


marla (she/her) is an unused piece of code from animal jam. she was a prototype for fman122 that was abandoned soon after creation because she refused to attack anyone or cause problems. blip, a "bug" that exists within the code, brought her into the actual game and then panicked when he couldn't put her back in. the alphas took her in after she was found as a puppy on a patrol and let greely take care of her. blip and marla are great friends, though marla doesn't know that this is because blip worries that she might hurt somebody even so. 

some marla thoughts (from my aj blog)

I think as a young kid she'd be very enthusiastic about phantom research: she'd understand that, to defeat them, it was vital to understand them first. super bookwormish puppy, always trailing along after greely, desperate to read up on what little kid's picture books she could find on them.  

however, when she became old enough to explore her home, she'd eventually find greely's secret study and by extension, all his my canon she'd probably be the one to kill the hive and report to the alphas in place of an adventure player. this would make her lose a lot of trust in her father early on in her life, and lead to a lot of disagreements. she doesn't do listening to reason: all she needed to know was that he had been conspiring with phantoms instead of killing them all like she'd promised to do once she knew how to use a sword and it made her MAD. probably about nine years old. she'd start getting super frustrated about how her dreams of becoming a proper phantom researcher were always brushed off by other adults and even the alphas as "being just like her father" or a "greely junior", she doesn't want to be remembered as "greely's daughter, who was just like her" she doesn't want to carry on the legacy of a traitor. she hated how her achievements and discoveries were always credited under her father and how her autonomy was deleted just because HE was a phantom researcher too.

so this would lead to her being very spiteful: she'd run away from home often into phantom nests and phantom infested places, meet up for adventures without greely's permission, basically doing anything disobedient to make him mad, to show him how angry she was. (he didn't care enough to notice, ever) 

this would obviously get her into a LOT of danger (not like she cared!) and i'm thinking she would eventually get posessed by phantoms, or meet up for an adventure with someone fishy, really anything that would make her go missing for a long time, enough for 1. greely to HAVE to notice and 2. the alphas to realise he is not fit for raising a kid. she gets rescued and taken home (around 14 years old at this point) and starts getting taken a lot more seriously. the other alphas realise she is extremely skilled in combat: to have been able to handle herself around phantoms for more than five years, usually alone, with nothing more than a kiddie sword was incredible. they also realise she inherited leadership, she's been ordering around jammers on adventures since her voice got deep enough to be mistaken for a teen, and gilbert takes a liking to her and brings her under his wing- training under him gets her a war commander rank in the future. 

i don't think she ever forgives greely: she understands her lack of willingness to listen to him early on was what started all of this, but that greely's complacency and the way he gave up on her (even though she was just a little kid! like! what!) was what let it go on for so long. but they eventually come to a not-forgive not-forget compromise and just agree to move past it and she's glad for it when she's older, for all their flaws they get along well and their shared wisdom makes them a great team.