


3 years, 10 days ago


VANDER! they/he/it/no pronouns. named after Gary L. Vandergriff, the inventor of caution tape.

"this sparkledog robot is always getting into scuffles and became a  Sparkle dog in the first place by needing to replace parts until they  were a little jumbled up. they favor warm tones of colors for parts."

vander lives in a scrapyard - its original body was a little toy robot dog. they were thrown out when the owners got creeped out by how sentient it acted! vander tacks bits of metal onto itself to repair any wounds as its a very adventurous pup. vandy isnt vengeful about having been thrown out, in fact they think theyd be more miserable if theyd had to stay there forever.

hes very forgiving and sort of scatterbrained. gets along with everybody and doesnt hold faults or set down boundaries-not because hes timid but because its very hard to annoy him! everything just bounces off

their buddy NAMEHERE is a brand new non sentient vanderdog who ended up in the heap

can be drawn anthro!
u can switch out their parts/add totally new mods GET WILD i mean it! the form on their ref is only one of their favourite "outfits"
parts more liable to change or breaking than everything else are his legs/paws ears and tail
a lot of vander robots are thrown out so its not uncommon for them to find replacement parts in the trash heap