


3 years, 1 day ago


6’3 - he/him - 26

horned owl, a powerful wind mage. His village people protected the Relic, a philosopher‘s stone sort of artifact that grants those who touch it the knowledge of all of those who came before, giving them the ability to unlock their true potential as mages. When the Empire, a cruel and violent power, toppled his village and forced his people to assimilate, the Relic fell into the power hungry hands of the Emperor, who used its divine knowledge for bloodshed.

His great grandfather, having earned a spot in the workforce of the high court, stole the Relic from its resting chambers in an attempt to return it to its rightful owners. Fleeing into the night with what remained of his people, the Relic was hidden away in a far, covert location, the secret of where it was located passed down from generation to generation. The Empire fell into shambles in its absence, the people within breaking into smaller settlements, constantly at war with one another in an effort to locate the Relic, to control the divine power within. 

When Orion was 15, three years before the location of the Relic would be revealed to him by his father in the coming of age ceremony, the makeshift settlement where his people resided was attacked in the middle of the night by an army squadron. His people were slaughtered before his very eyes, Orion narrowly escaping his fate at the command of his father to flee. For 11 years he has wandered, searching for any clues that will lead him to the Relic, to the object so desirable all of his loved ones died protecting it.

Orion is exhausted, snarky, and tends to be terse. He is extremely suspicious, nearly to the point of paranoia. His powers allow him to talk to birds, give him an incredible memory, and he is an extremely quick learner. Knows countless languages, including the dying language of his people that is required to find the Relic, making his existence a powerful tool. He is nomadic, and because of his powers he is also nocturnal, making him very tired in the day. Can see in the dark, and has advanced hearing. Very, very lonely, but he tends to be aggressive about this, it makes him embarrassed. Wears reading glasses sometimes.