

2 years, 10 months ago


OH THIS SONG! this is a good song right here, I remember when this band first started getting popular, you know, the lead guitarist actually- (long tangent)
Radio host robot
Chaotic good
Phone guy - FNAF
  • Music!
  • Talking about things he's passionate about
  • Coffee (somehow...)
  • Those spinny office chairs
  • Silence
  • Being alone
  • Dust
  • Closed doors

FM-4M was once an extremely succesful radio host. His show was enjoyed by hundreds, and he was well known for his laid back attitude and fine-tuned song choices, and he was pretty happy with his job! However, good things don't last forever, and when listeners started to dwindle, FMs radio show was shut down, as well as FM himself, locked away and boarded up in his studio. Unfortunetly, the "shutting down" didnt go as planned, and although he physically was powered down, his mind was still fully active. fearing the worst, FM managed to keep himself sane from catching distant signals from radio stations and listening to music. that is, until one day, he managed to reach a person instead. Tapping into the signal of a robot named Kal-4e, The two talked over the radio signal for years, until one day, Kal-4e was able to seek out FM, and finally rescued him from the room he was trapped in for so long, managing to get him working again and finally letting him see the outside world.

FM has the personality of a cool, relaxed radio show host! Really the best way to explain it would be "eccentric dad", he has a way of speaking that just makes him pleasant to listen to, even if the things he says are usually sort of mundane, if not just bad jokes. He tends to ramble a lot, mostly about music, as that's what he's most passionate about, and if you let him he'll spiral into facts upon facts upon facts about obscure bands or specific songs. He is perfectly happy to listen to others ramble, although he is the type to interupt mid-converation when he thinks the other person is done talking, so he does get pretty eager to speak. Years of isolation instilled a deep uncomfortableness with being alone and silence, and if left alone it won't be long before he hurridly rushes back to a place with people.

  • Probably due to his cicuits being old, FM will sometimes randomly be interupted by either loud static or music being picked up by his antenna
  • The microphones that make up the base of his hands have long broken, so if he tries talking into them everything he says comes out as horrible elctric screeching
  • His wheel makes a squeaky noise whenever he moves
  • For some reason he insists on still wearing the worn and moth eaten shirt he had on for the duration of his radio days as well as the days spent in the abandoned studio, he says its part of his "brand"
  • He doesn't have a mouth to drink or eat with, but he has a habit of just holding a cup of coffee, he usually just pours it down the sink once it gets cold
unknown.png Kal-4e

FM-4M guesses that if he didn't have Kal-4e to talk to, he would've permenantly shut down from the isolation in the recording studio. He appreciates how Kal-4e is willing to listen to him ramble on an on for so long, and their usually humerous take on the grim situation they were in makes FM try to find humour in his own, maybe even grimmer situation.
