Crystal Waters (Crystal Waters [DR])



1 year, 2 days ago


Crystal Waters

Last edited 2/28/22


Name Crystal Waters

Talent Lawyer

Status Alive


Ethnicity Filipino

Hair Black

Eye Blue

Height 5'11"

Gender Female, she/her

Sexuality Demiromantic/sexual Lesbian


Birthday June 11th, Gemini


Likes Reading, musicals, people, birds, and gore

Dislikes crime, loud rooms, people who take advantage of what they have, people who lie, and people who give up

RP Groups

Survivor RMS-Despair

Culprit Dangan-Refrain (Ch3)

DanganSummer (Ch???)


Voiceclaim Raychell

Faceclaim Chifuyu Orimura

Theme info

"you're nothing until the thrill of the kill becomes your only law"
― Blood in the Water

Crystal Waters is the youngest lawyer in the country, having graduated from Law school when she was 16. She's a law prodigy who attended Kyoto University at age 11 and graduated at 16. She’s won 21 cases in the four years between graduating and being scouted for Hope's Peak Academy. She's a popular defense, corporate, employment, family, and property lawyer.

She is joining Hope's Peak Academy as part of the 80th class as the Super High School Level Lawyer.


Crystal is 19 in game, though in reality thanks to amnesia, she's 21. She appears to be slightly older than the rest of the cast.

Crystal has an olive skin tone, blue eyes, and black hair. She has an average build that leans onto the curvier side. Her face leans to the sharper side. Her makeup is more natural, not wishing to stand out in her field with any bold lipstick or eyeshadow. Her bangs frame her face, with some of the front ones braided into the back of her hair, which is tied into a low ponytail. If you look closely, you will find that her teeth seem to be slightly sharp like a shark's.

In the past, she has been seen with the back of her hair pulled into a high ponytail. Her outfit wasn't too different, but consisted of a pure white dress shirt, black tie, and a different sweater over top. Her short skirt was not a pencil skirt, but rather a flared out fabric and she wore fishnets and high heels. She eventually removed the sweater and let her hair down, replacing the ponytail with a headband holding back her straightened out hair. On days she was off-work, she could be seen with her hair untamed, held back with a headband. She wore a purple sweater, brown scarf, and a grey flared skirt with black boots and black tights.

When at school, she does not wear the school uniform, as often she has to run to work immediately after classes end for the day.

Crystal's casual wear is more often than not her office work wear. A light grey dress shirt topped with a slightly oversized black sweater and black tie hanging above the sweater. She wears a short pencil skirt that goes to mid-thigh and dark pantyhose with black flats. The dress shirt's collar is often not done up all the way unless she's actually at work and hangs a few buttons undone. It is extremely rare to find her outside of this attire, but sometimes you can find her in a bright pink over-the-shoulder top with a white tanktop underneath paired with a white skirt and white flats.


Crystal is a very quiet individual, keeping to herself and people-watching when in groups. She isn't very outgoing or friendly compared to a lot of her peers and is often found secluded from the rest of her class. Due to her age and status of being held back, she stands out quite a bit from the others and accepts that. If you were to approach her, she'd hold a conversation with you, but it would eventually come apparent that she's bored of the conversation if it's simple small talk. She's very cool-headed even when things are against her wishes.

This is not to say you can't speak with and befriend her, only that you would have to work hard at breaking open her shell. Once doing so, you'll find that Crystal is a very lazy person, preferring to wear as little layers as possible, preferring to get things done as soon as possible, and even oversleeping. She hates mornings and doing work. She enjoys having company and even has a good sense of humor when around people she's comfortable with.


Before the Tragedy

Before moving to Japan, Crystal’s parents, Catherine and Brendon, lived in the US, her mom got a job offer out in Japan that caused them to move right before getting pregnant with Crystal. Crystal learned both Japanese and English in her childhood, but because English wasn’t incredibly needed, she to this day is still rusty with it. When she was 6, she started getting into law; she had found her mom’s old law book from when Catherine had attempted getting into law in a bookshelf and began to read it when she had nothing better to do. There were many big words and at the time she didn’t understand them, but as she got older, she began to understand them more and more to the point where she no longer needed a dictionary or the internet to figure the words out. By age 10, Crystal had the most important parts of the American law book memorized, or at least somewhat.

She begged and begged for a Japanese law book so she could become a lawyer when she grew up. Once her parents grew tired of her begging, they finally bought a Japanese law book for her. This was an odd request of their elementary-aged child but they weren’t about to snip her fun at that. She spent the next year reading that book and memorizing what she could of it. Neighbors and family friends all identified it as the child becoming a law prodigy. She even excelled in classes at school, making it known that she was incredibly smart. She was even allowed to skip four grades to get further.

Crystal knew years ago that the gender she was assigned at birth wasn’t the gender she was, it was an odd feeling when she didn’t know what to do with it or what to identify it as. Of course her parents labeled her interest in wearing dresses and skirts a phase and berated her for acting in such a way, Crystal eventually came to terms with the fact that she wasn’t supposed to be a boy, but rather a girl, she just didn’t know the feeling in the past. She began growing her hair out and eventually came out to her parents. They didn’t like it at first, but agreed with her after a couple months. She was 14 when they finally were semi-comfortable with her. Her father is still rather strict with her about this issue, while her mother is a lot more flexible.

She started cram school for The Imperial University Faculty of Law at Kyoto University when she was 11 and took the LSATs three times before gaining a score of 180, a very rare score for even adults to get. It was hard to even be able to take the first test due to her age, obviously people doubted her but her first score was very impressive but not enough, the second test got her closer and after an extra few months she got a perfect score. Kyoto let her in, still slightly doubting her, but she did not disappoint. She still had to do her regular high school classes while at the school, though she wasn’t good at keeping up with it. During the five year period of law school, she decided this was the best idea she had ever had. She graduated at age 16 after having pretended to graduate high school with a fake diploma. Her personality changed a lot, making her meaner and more arrogant after having to deal with bullying she got while at the school.

A lot of law firms turned her down for being so young or only offered intern spots that she’d have to turn down, but she didn’t let this discourage her. She knew she was meant for so much more than what she was getting. Finally, she got taken up by a little known law firm, and on their first case, they won because of her. It was a shock that she could do so much given her age. Other law firms found her and her company and asked her to join them. She declined and kept going for her firm, she’d raise it from the seed it was. Crystal gained the company quite a lot of recognition, she herself slowly becoming a well-known lawyer and becoming harder to book since more and more people were wanting her to be their lawyer. She excelled in different branches; defense, corporate, employment, family, and property. Her only downside was that she was bad in criminal law.

She was enrolled in a local high school so she could work on actually graduating from there in secret, but rarely attended classes and was held back three times. At age 18, Hope’s Peak found her and invited her there. Her firm allowed her to go there, as long as she kept up with her job.

School Life

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Talent and Abilities







idk bro

SHSL Lawyer

As a lawyer, Crystal's very good at investigating and bringing up evidence. Although she's a better defense than prosecutor, she's able to take either side of a case and argue a point without much faltering. She's used to late hours and hard work and can pour her heart into a case she's working on given enough compensation or passion.

Physical Ability

She has average strength, as she's not necessarily in a field where physical strength is important, but she also doesn't allow herself to be entirely weak either.

Caption here with a link.


  • Shark
  • Literal embodiment of the song “Blood in the Water” from Legally Blonde
  • Pre-HRT, Non-Op (She isn't against surgery, just she herself doesn't want it). Plans to go on HRT once she's made a standing in the law field.
  • She wears falsies from time to time depending on the shirt she's wearing


Crystal doesn't usually show up at school, but when she does, her and Anna tend to sit near each other enjoying the quiet together.