

Name: Viper
Species: Viscet
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual - Heteroromantic
Age: 7 years [24 years]
Birthday: 22nd September


Below the average height, Viper stands at seven feet and two inches. From nose to tail he is eleven feet. His body is banded with speckled blue-green patches and white; he has a white underside. His front feet are a darker shade of blue with white claws, surrounded by a small area of white fur. Viper's front paws are white while his back ones are grey with black claws. His tail is shiny and black with three thick red bands surrounded by yellow, so the red never touches the black, like a coral snake. A fourth band near the base of his tail is simply yellow. Before this stripe there is a darker circle which shines, similar to a scale. In the red bands there are darker spots, the underside of his tail is also darker. His tail tuft is gradiented from dark to light blue, with white tips and a white section between two shades of blue. His mane is mostly dark grey with black near the base; it is striped with alternating red and yellow, except the last two are yellow and a red one is missing behind his arm. The stripes start about half way up his hair. His chest hair is black with three shades of grey, turning lighter further from his head. The darker shades are speckled onto the lighter shades. There are two smooth black dots behind his eyes, the front one larger. The inside of his ear is white, as well as his nose. There is a white stripe above his nose. His eyes are ringed with grey and black, the lighter one in the middle.


Viper is adaptable. As a result, he isn't stressed very easily. He can be pushed out of his comfort zone. He accepts change. In fact, he quite likes it; to break out of a routine and try something new is always nice. Of course, he is an average viscet and exceptionally distressing situations will unsettle him. He sets himself goals and hopes to achieve them. However, he is realistic and knows the difference between a challenge and a possibility. Without his aims he feels lost in life, without purpose or direction. He looks up to great achievers. Most of the time, Viper is overly happy. He always tries to brighten up a dark situation with jokes. Many see it as bad taste or at the wrong time, but he genuinely means good. Somehow, he remains positive about everything. Viper is spontaneous and energetic, as well as being very enthusiastic about most things he does. Anything he steals is either given to those in need or kept for himself, usually the former though. Occasionally he'll randomly give money to others. He has great confidence. He's capable of socializing with anyone. This viscet is a risk-taker and enjoys competitions or challenges. Though he isn't over-confident. Losing something does knock his confidence but he is quick to get over it; he learns from mistakes. Viper is curious. Anything will get his attention. He's normally the first one to investigate something. He has great interest in social interactions and how conversations work. As an independent viscet, Viper is comfortable being by himself. He doesn't rely on others and prefers to make his own paths in life. At first, most would think this counters his realistic personality. But Viper practices alchemy and truly believes everything about it. His goal is to create the elixir of immortality because he fears death and desires some power. Most of the items he steals are actually what he needs for his research. Viper takes pride in almost everything he does. He is aware that his 'job' is seen as immoral to some people but he thinks it's the right thing to do; he wouldn't have it any other way. Those who disprove of his alchemy do not bother him. He lets anyone have their own opinion, but it won't stop him doing what he does. He likes to show off his work.

If you asked him to recall a time he told the truth, he wouldn't be able to remember one. He never tells the truth about anything, no matter how simple the matter is. In fact, Viper is only his alias, most don't know his real name. Viper may have 'friends', but he's almost never loyal. His most common reason for befriending someone is for his own benefit, if it doesn't then they're no use to him. He won't hesitate to pass the blame to someone else when in trouble. He'd definitely rather give away his friends than his life; possibly even loved ones. Viper commonly talks about others without them knowing and doesn't mind stabbing them in the back either. While he may be upbeat the majority of the time, he can still get annoyed, just like any other. Unfortunately, he is rather prone to being agitated by something. If something is repeatedly going wrong he will give up in frustration. If someone pesters him, he will snap. His mood can change dangerously fast. Usually he will simply become insulting and snappy, occasionally passive-aggressive. It is extremely rare for him to become violent, but it can happen if pushed enough. 'Please' and 'thank you' don't exist in his vocabulary. He is impolite to pretty much everyone, friends included. Viper is quite blunt with his words and doesn't care if they offend others, but doesn't go out of his way to insult. Viper is a thief. Don't ever leave something unattended around him, or he'll take it. Anything valuable he can get his hands on is his. He has a habit of 'borrowing' from others and forgetting to return items. Viper usually takes from others who won't miss what he takes, since he gives it away to those who want it. If something sparks his interest, he'll almost certainly take it. This trait has got him into trouble with the law more than a few times, and wanted in multiple towns.

✓ Charity
✓ Thieving
✓ Alchemy
✓ Candles
✓ Magic
✓ Maps
✓ Old ships
✓ Postage stamps
✓ Archery
✓ Competitions
✓ Sports
✗ Death (has thanatophobia)
✗ Greed
✗ Sharp objects (has aichmophobia)
✗ Lack of goals
✗ Pets
✗ Games
✗ Fashion
✗ Drama
✗ Routine
✗ Cold food and drinks
✗ Law enforcement
Colour: Gold
Food: -
Animal: Raven
Music: -
Letter: X
Number: 7
Season: Winter
Day of the Week: Friday
Event: -
Outside Activity: -
Inside Activity: -


He is slightly above the average for intelligence and is quite cunning. Viper is also an excellent thief, he is stealthy and well-trained. Other than that, he has no particular abilities that stand out. Though, those who don't know his life of crime can often be made to obey him, thanks to his parents' reputation.

Physical Strength ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Ability Strength ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Offence ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
Defence ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Speed ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Agility ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Intelligence ★★★★★★★☆☆☆


Viper is an alchemist who is trying to make an elixir of immortality so that he and his loved ones can escape death. He's also a highly wanted thief, wanted for stealing, bribery, robbery and murder.


Due to being wanted in many towns for his crimes, Viper resides in a small wooden cabin in a oak forest. It is far enough away from a town to be safe, yet close enough to visit easily. His house isn't easy to find as it is a fair distance away from the forest trail. To find it, one must either be looking for it intentionally, be incredibly lucky or be told were it is. It's only large enough for himself. The cabin itself or its interior are nothing fancy, the roof actually leaks whenever it rains. There is little insulation and is extremely cold in winter. Outside, he has a small garden of wild plants that he gathers food from. He often travels with his mate but when they return to the area, this is where they stay.


Mother - Name - Age - Relationship: -
Father - Name - Age - Relationship: -
Mate - Opal - 6 years - Relationship: 
At first he didn't care too much for her, offering shiny objects to build trust; mostly to use her later. But he became attached to her and eventually asked her to be his mate. His bandit camp soon found out about his secret love and he left. He travels the wilderness with her and protects her when they run into danger. She doesn't like the fact that he's a thief but he appreciates that she can look past this.
Adopted Son - 
Thorben - 6 months - Relationship: 
Despite Opal not wanting a child, Viper took in this abandoned egg while Opal was away on an adventure. He experimented on the egg with various potions, hoping the viscling would be immortal so he could switch souls with him. However, when the egg hatched, Viper refused to accept any parental responsibility for the youngster and tried to pretend he didn't exist.

Vasuki - Age - Relationship: -
Name - Age - Relationship: -

Name - Age - Relationship: -

Name - Age - Relationship: -

Unnamed - Raven - Relationship: -


An only child with two rich, noble parents. As a viscling, Viper's parents didn't spend much time with him; instead he was cared for by the family maid. His parents were too busy working, which created some distance between them. Viper became more disobedient as he aged due to their lack of involvement. Often, he would stray into the city, against his parents' wishes. It was here that he saw the difference between his life and the average viscet. Many were poor and didn't have homes, to his surprise. Unable to bear seeing this, Viper took items from his parents, selling them and giving money away to those on the streets.

Eventually, he was caught by his bad-tempered father and punished. Viper promised never to steal from them again. However, this didn't mean that he wouldn't steal at all. The young viscet would pick-pocket strangers and steal from market stalls. Most often it was food he would give away; sometimes jewelry he would sell or odd trinkets he would keep. His parents never found out about this. One day, there was news that a thief had been caught and publicly executed. His father mentioned it was for the best, insulted the lower classes, and hinted towards when Viper stole from him.

Ashamed of himself and terrified of suffering the same fate, Viper ran away from home. It was on the streets that he started mixing with the wrong crowd. He quickly became infamous for his abilities and was invited to a group of thieves. As time passed, they became his friends, his new family. Eventually they became nothing more than a group of bandits; often mugging any unlucky passer-by who crossed the bridge near their camp.

Viper noticed a lone viscet, Opal, who strayed by the edge of their camp. She was lucky enough not to be chased off. In secret, he befriended her by gifting her shiny objects. They developed a relationship. When this was noticed by the bandits, Viper was chased out of the camp. Since then he has joined her on her journeys, eventually becoming her mate.


[x] by me

