

Name: Heliconia
Nickname: Heli
Species: Viscet
Gender: Female
Orientation: Hetersexual - Biromantic
Age: 5 years [27 years]
Birthday: 19th June




Heliconia is fairly confident, partly due to her job. She is respective of the wishes of others and their boundaries, she wouldn't push her luck with this. Most wouldn't expect her to be so, but she is extremely maternal, a loving to mother and fuss over others, even if they're an adult. Heli is very affectionate and playful while in this mood, or with someone she loves; outside of this its rare to see. She finds it easy to read emotions and tries her best to comfort others whenever she can. She's persuasive and can usually get what she wants, either through kindly asking or other ways. The viscet is incredibly organised and finds it hard to cope without schedules and plans. Heliconia is resourceful and can use most objects around her to her advantage, able to come up with a decent plan. When enjoying her personal life, she's mostly a soft push-over; but when it comes to work she is a fierce fighter.

Her job also causes her to be secretive about herself. When asked about herself, she often refuses to answer, changes the subject or gives a false answer. She isn't open about her feelings and thoughts either which causes her to build up problems. This viscet is de-sensitised to death and violence, though she doesn't take pleasure in it at all. Heliconia is rather paranoid and has a constant feeling of being watched or followed, she expects danger around every corner. Her work has caused this, as well as making her extremely sceptical and untrusting of others; she often fears simple kind gestures are a way to catch her off guard. Most of the time, with others who aren't so close to her, she is overly serious and hates messing around; becoming agitated when no-one listens to her. She's also a little selfish and dislikes sharing anything with anyone, though she will if she has to or is given something in return. A lot of the time she's tired, thanks to sleepless nights from worrying and dealing with her large family.

✓ Visclings
✓ Turtlenecks
✓ Guns
✓ Lasers
✓ Coffee
✓ -
✓ -
✓ -
✓ -
✓ -
✓ -
✗ Death
✗ Loud noises
✗ Ice
✗ -
✗ -
✗ -
✗ -
✗ -
✗ -
✗ -
✗ -
Colour: Magenta
Food: -
Animal: Fox
Music: -
Letter: C
Number: 12
Season: Winter
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Event: -
Outside Activity: -
Inside Activity: -


Heliconia has great training in stealth, she also knows how to use specialised gadgets and weapons.

Physical Strength ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Ability Strength ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Offence ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Defence ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Speed ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Agility ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Intelligence ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆






Mother - Name - Age - Relationship:
Father - Name - Age - Relationship:
Mate - Ren - Age - Relationship:
Adopted Daughter - Blaze - 6 months - Relationship:
Heliconia adopted Blaze after her first child Rae grew distant from her. She finds great comfort in the viscling, offering support and reassurance when Heli is feeling nervous. Nothing could make her happier than Blaze when she's quiet. However, she also can be the bane of her existence at times; Blaze is hard to keep track of and often acts out of control, bouncing off the walls and therefore she is the most stressful to watch. Heli is fiercely protective of her, more so than her own biological children. Both of these factors make Heli rather snappy when Blaze is around.
Daughter - Rae - Age - Relationship:
Son - Robin - 4 months - Relationship:
After Rae wanted little to do with their adopted viscling, Blaze, Ren and Heli decided to try for a child to keep Blaze company. To her surprise, she ended up with twins. She can't help but be fed up with this boy at times, he seems to constantly be upset because his brother or sister said something mean to him; at times she can be dismissive of him but she knows when she needs to smother him in hugs. Heliconia isn't as protective over him as his siblings since she knows he won't wander far or get into trouble.
Son - Finch - 4 months - Relationship:

Name - Age - Relationship: -
Name - Age - Relationship: -

Name - Age - Relationship: -

Name - Age - Relationship: -


Heliconia grew up in a fairly normal family setting. Besides the fact that her parents were spies. She was never forced into following their footsteps though she was enchanted by the stories they told, with all the horrible details cut out, of course. This lead to her idolising the work of a spy a little too much. After her parents realised that Heliconia was serious about being a spy, they agreed to train her until she was old enough to start work.


Summer Prompt - The Festival by me

