My clans



3 years, 15 days ago


The four clans are situated around a mountain with caves going into it, which is the Gathering place of the cats. Through the caves, there is a large cavern with two large trees arched over a big, flat rock where the leaders will stand and address the clans. There are many herbs growing in the cavern, so it isn't uncommon to see medicine cats coming and going from the Mouths of the mountain (The tunnels). The cats around Mother mountain are all very close to Starclan, a warrior in every generation is blessed by Starclan in the form of special abilities.

Sightpools: Due north of the Mother mountain is an area with many pools of water connected by small streams and tiny waterfalls. This is the place medicine cats will gather at half-moon nights and communicate with the four clans' ancestors in Starclan. The pools are calm, so they perfectly reflect Silverpelt at night.

Cloudclan: Cloudclan lives in the moorland southwest of the mother mountain. The large area is very hilly and barren, but the moor cats love to see the clouds above them and swirling among their ancestors in Silverpelt. They're generally welcoming and friendly, but in the past they've had quite stressed relationships with the other clans because of the clan's past leader, Slatestar. However, under Halfstar's lead, the clan became more open and friendly. The threat of Slatestar isn't quite over yet, because of a certain someone in the clan receiving dreams from Slatestar and going along with him since kithood.

Leafclan: Leafclan lives to the north of Mother mountain in the leafy forest. The forst has many great spots for camps, so the clan changes location for the colder seasons. However if there's a lot of kits in the clan at once and it comes time to change camps, some of the clan's warriors and the elders will stay behind to protect the kits and queens. Leafclan is an extremely accepting clan. For a long time, they've accepted home seeking cats a place to stay as long as they can handle themselves and hunt for the clan. Cloudsong is the cat making sure everyone is pulling their weight and the clan is well fed, while Smallstar keeps an eye on everything to do with the clan.

Wildclan: Wildclan lives in the marshy pine forest south-east of the Mother mountain, the thick greenery offering them protection and prey all year round. The clan's camp is located in some old twoleg ruins, so they're protected from winds coming through the forests. If a Twoleg happens to come around, the cats will retreat through a hole at the back of the clan and spread out into the forest. Shadowstar makes sure his clan's cats don't get into trouble with Starclan, very strictly following the warrior code. He dislikes halfclan relationships, but he knows that love is love and will warn you to keep the meetings to gatherings only.

Poolclan: Poolclan lives on a small island to the east of the Mother mountains that is connected by a small wooden bridge to the bigger mass of land. The clan often needs to deal with twolegs, but mostly they just stay away from their way and hide as much as they can from the strange creatures. Poolclan is on neutral terms with the rest of the clans, but extremely strict about their borders. Pikestar would want to be more forgiving about the borders, but due to his deputy Leafshades advice, he keeps them strict. Poolclan is also a close follower of the warrior code.