Arcipius Lenenoon



9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info






April 10th








Librarian / Scholar

Marital Status:




Weight w.o Wings:


Weight w. Wings:


Wing Span:

About 35 feet


Short Description: A very intelligent and book smart male who seems to be of an avian species. He has extravagant wings and ornate clothing. He doesn't appear to be very social.

Personality: Arcipius is, plainly put, a sheltered book worm. He is very smart in the sense of books and political positions, but he has very little experience with the real world- or the wilderness for that matter. He keeps himself very pristine and he considers preening his feathers to be a comfort more than a chore since he is often very clean anyhow. He is somewhat of a stick in the mud, well, without the mud- he's actually quite the stickler about remaining clean. He is fairly socially awkward and likes to keep his eyes to the ground, but when directed at someone they are sharp and he speaks with a bluntness that isnt intended to be rude but always comes off as so. He says it like he sees it and he doesnt know about being verbally soft with people. He shows a lot of anger when he is flustered and he is easily flustered. He is very proud, foolishly so, and it is one of his greatest faults. He is also very judgmental and quick to tell someone what he thinks of them. He uses his words as his weapons and prefers not to get into a physical confrontation- at least not one on the ground. Another one of his faults would be his natural curiosity. Reading about something is one thing, but actually seeing it is another. One of his larger curiosities is about plants for living up in the skies doesn't provide a lot of natural plant life to flourish. He is also easily impressed when it comes to other species, especially when it is displays of strength.

Quirks / Habits: His feathers poof up when he's angry. He hops from foot to foot when he's very uncomfortable or frightened. He has a habit of picking and scratching- no lifted edge is safe from his claws! When he's thinking or reading he tends to hum to himself as he mentally jots down notes.

Likes: Reading, plants, weird or new subjects (plants or species), flying, very tall trees, biomes with a lot of vegetation (plains, forests, jungles), fruit, gold (he likes the shiny yellow, it reminds him of the sun),

Dislikes: large bodies of water any larger than a creek (he can't swim very well), uncivilized populi, being dirty, being cornered (verbally or physically), etc

Parents: His current caretaker is The Patriarch. He is the leader and head of their kind. Others revere him as a king for all the wisdom and riches his kind possesses, but the birds consider him more as a great father figure than a ruler. His teacher whom he also considers his caretaker is The Head Scholar who instructs all the librarians of their duties and their daily chores to care for the massive library.

Siblings: None.

Pets: A little yellow canary that has nested near the libraries.

History: Arcipius was born as free a bird as any, and within a family with no outstanding features or accomplishments. His birth parents were of those that collected food and plants outside of their city for new sources of food to grow. He, however, does not remember them or know of them as he didn't stay with them long after he was born. Arcipius was born with remarkable colors and patterns and was seen as very gifted. For this reason he was adopted into the scholars by The Patriarch and The Head Scholar. He considers them both his parents and has never considered otherwise. Much of his life he has spent within the halls of scholars and reading. This life came with many rules he didn't understand as a child. He wasn't allowed to fly within the halls or beyond the courtyard. He never did have many friends as a child and grew a little hard because of it and relies solely on himself for comfort. But one of the most restricting rules was that he was not allowed a mate. And he would never be allowed to have one. In his culture, mates were chosen by a dance within the skies. Everyone had their own mark. A ribbon. Long, beautiful, flowing and always colorfully painting the sky. And when they flew together in the air, if their ribbons were so fortunate as to tie together.... they would be one. Arcipius does have his own ribbon, as everyone does, but it is tied within his hair and is not permitted otherwise to flow freely. He cannot fly with them. And he most definitely cannot tie with another- ribbon or otherwise. Despite these rules, Arcipius often leaves the boundaries of the halls and even the city for weeks at a time. Exploring, gathering, and trying to experience the world he was shut off from. While he dare not break the most dire of rule of abstinence, the rule of boundaries is one he thinks little of and is often the cause of most of his troubles.