


2 years, 10 months ago


this profile is incomplete !! still a wip !!


Duncan Dolly

16 | They / He | Transmasc Boy


Duncan "Dunny" Jake Dolly

got from a wta !

I imagine he'd be a hard worker, but at the same time the type to burn out fairly quickly and end up overworking himself without even realising it, right up until they get home and get hit with that good old wave of exhaustion. Despite that, they still adore their job! He'd probably work in a bakery or coffee shop! He'd likely be a cashier as, while he does have a love for making delicious baked goods, he's just got the absolute best attitude for customer service as well. Well, at least, according to his boss he does! Definitely an introvert, this is probably why he finds his job so tiring at times. He's also, somehow, a fan of mindless work, and it's not too uncommon for him to be busying himself with sweeping the floor, dusting the counters, or rewashing some dishes that didn't look quite right when he's not with a customer.

idea woo

Maybe Blu comes into the coffee shop he works at to study because gross who would wanna study at your own job?? gotta go to the place across the street instead, it's so nice and chill there and the bakery is so amazing, and oh the coffee too wow,, maybe one day Duncan has a big test coming up and decides hey, there's always people studying in coffee shops, right? Maybe it's worth a try, he's stressed and the coffee can probably help start up some proper functioning in his brain. He probably goes to the starbucks, because why not, everyone recommends going there so he might as well. Eventually, Blu strikes up a conversation when he sees how he's struggling and maybe it turns out he's working on chemistry and that just so happens to be Blu's area of expertise. He also just so happens to be about to go on break. Fifteen minutes later, Blu's plopped down at the table next to him with one especially caffeinated drink, and the next day the test goes amazingly!


They decide they just have to tell him about how it went and at least thank them for all the help, nearly prepared to burst into the starbucks on the way to his own job before remembering that work schedules exist and he might not even be in there. He pushes down his excitement the best he can and makes a compromise. While he still goes out of his way to go the slightly longer route and walk by the starbucks, they settle for just looking in the window on the way past rather than going in and possibly making a fool of himself. He doesn't see him in there and continues on, a little disappointed, and proceeds to spend a look amount of their shift trying to peek over, quietly hoping to catch a glimpse of blue fur. This may continue on for a bit, going the long way and trying so hard to see over there during their shift, and they don't seem to realise if it becomes a little more than just wanting to say thank you. Then, just as he was turning back around from sweeping or counting change or something behind the counter, he nearly jumped out of his own skin at the canine in front of him.

14553862_KRslIyv8vihazY8.gif Blu

hm,, "friends"? besties, perhaps,, or you may dare to say,, potential lovers

omg he helped him with his chemistry that's so sexy of him holy shit uhh i'll get back to this i swear yeah,, uhh Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. yeah what he said

10830256?1619227409 Name

probably his boss

Quisque pulvinar arcu a nunc iaculis tempus. Fusce ut fermentum purus. Nam vestibulum interdum urna in convallis. Donec elementum lectus eget orci tempor facilisis. Suspendisse ultricies orci ac enim vulputate lobortis. Maecenas magna leo, pretium sit amet risus in, porta viverra sapien. . Aliquam facilisis vulputate elit, at blandit mi ullamcorper nec. Phasellus sed nunc sit amet justo viverra accumsan quis nec nulla. Fusce dapibus condimentum vehicula. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam erat volutpat.

10830256?1619227409 Name

maybe a coworker

Quisque pulvinar arcu a nunc iaculis tempus. Fusce ut fermentum purus. Nam vestibulum interdum urna in convallis. Donec elementum lectus eget orci tempor facilisis. Suspendisse ultricies orci ac enim vulputate lobortis. Maecenas magna leo, pretium sit amet risus in, porta viverra sapien. . Aliquam facilisis vulputate elit, at blandit mi ullamcorper nec. Phasellus sed nunc sit amet justo viverra accumsan quis nec nulla. Fusce dapibus condimentum vehicula. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam erat volutpat.

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