Dr. Nimbus



2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Nova Petri Nimbus
Nickname/s: Nim
Age: 22-26
Date of Birth: N/A
Species: Human
Height: About 5'2"
Weight: N/A
Gender: Cisgender
Sex: Female
Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Lesbian
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Studies cloud formations and mimics their looks and behavior in her inventions
Current location/from: N/A
Personality: Nova can definitely come across as quite the character to some, especially with how all over the place she seems to be sometimes with her head in the clouds and her body struggling to keep up. Her lab is practically filled to the brim with all of her different experiments and inventions, with only a few being completed, as once she is struck with a brand new idea, she often immediately drops whatever she may be working on to start something new. When she isn't on cloud nine or buried in her work though, she can be quite fun to hang out with, as her peppy nature and open mind make her an easy friend to make and a hard one to lose.
Likes: Weather-related subjects, cotton candy, calming or sweet teas, and fidget items
Dislikes: Creativity block, ceiling fans, and close-minded people