Lucero Persto



7 years, 2 months ago


The son of Autem Persto and Ravus Nox Fleuret, Lucero was born a few months after the darkness had set in. Being born at such a difficult time and without a father around at that, Lucero had a fairly difficult childhood, but never let if get him down. He was raised by his mother to be much warmer and optimistic than his parents, and became a bright spot for many during the darkness as well as a positive influence to the children born after him. As he aged, Lucero came to want to fight to defend the people cared for, just as his mother had done for him, and just as his mother had told him his father had done before him. Wanting nothing more than to make his parents proud, Lucero wouldn't hesitate to stand by the side of those who needed him most.

In the case of Ravus' survival, Lucero still honors both his parents and looks up to them a great deal. His childhood, however, isn't nearly as difficult.

While equally as brave and strong as his parents, Lucero is much warmer in his disposition, and is easily approachable and charismatic as a person. He does struggle with being honest if hes afraid he'll hurt someone sometimes, but understands the need to be brutal at times. Others often try to teach him that sometimes you might have to hurt one people to save the many.

  • Being the spitting image of his father, (in the case of Ravus' death) Autem sometimes struggled to look at her son when he was young, but was soon overcome by her love for him, and both these things caused her only to love him that much more, willing to do anything to defend her son.
  • Lucero wears his others engagement ring around his neck at all times.
  • Lucero is fairly popular with women for his kind and open personality, accompanied by the looks received from his father. However, he doesn't really know how to deal with attention very well.

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