Gaia Prime / Osirtek Dynasty (Phaerakh Azlymarhl)



2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Azlymarhl
Nickname(s): The Life Tender, Phaerakh Azlymarhl
Age: Countless Millions
Species: Necron, formally Necrontyr
Pronouns: She/Her
Sex/Gender: Mechanically Ambiguous, Female
Occupation: Phaerakh of the Osirtek Dynasty
Height: ?'?" / ?.?m


The Phareakh of the Osirtek Dynasty, Azlymarhl is as careful as a conservationist as she is fiery as a protector for the original life of the worlds her legions of entombed soldiers guard. While she is a powerful force on her own accord, her greatest limits are her stoic morals and her attachment to those who had the lives she and her people were robbed of so cruelly.

-Permafrost. Natural preservation that, combined with Necron Knowledge, is perhaps enough to revive a long dead species.

-Non-Endemic Life, specifically on worlds that carry their own Endemic Life, they endanger the entire ecosystem if they are not removed, and quickly.
-The Adeptus Mechanicus, so willing to waste the flesh they were blessed with, depending on their free will, she will discard them as nothing more then an animated cadaver, and treat them like even less.


-Has a burning hatred for the Tyranids and their sheer hunger for destruction, To the point where they are the only form of life she would destroy to the point of to extinction.
--Other races have been spared this classification, even Humanity, Orks and the Aeldari, as destructive as they are, have their Homeworlds closely protected.
-She had deemed the presence of Necrons acceptable on worlds, as quoted by her, 'The Necrontyr are no longer alive, we are not life.'
--That being said, she is unhappy with any Necron occupations that actively harm the environments of their world.
-Is on considerably good terms with Trazyn the Infinite, other Necron Phaerons have raised major concerns, but information suggests their dealings are rather cordial and rare in most regards. These deals would involve the rapid relocation of various members of Endemic Life on a world in danger. Azlymarhl receives the protection of these lifeforms, and Trazyn obtains unique animals that would've been thought lost.