


6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Terratorial Realm Allience

Netherworld Science Research Department


Gretta is the head Mortician of the NetherRealm Science department and works alongside Horris as his mentor. Gretta adores her work especially the thrill of the chase if an experiment marked for disposal tries doing a runner. She is armed with large bone scissors, slicing off the limbs of escapees and quickly halting there attempts. Or she enjoys the game of luring the more naive escapees back to another security ward posing innocently as trying to help them out of the maze like building and soon having them trapped to meet there dimise.  


When tending to the duties of body disposal she often likes to keep any items on their being for her own. From gadgets to fine jewellery or anything she deemed may have been sentimental to the deceased experiment. Her stash of stolen dead peoples stuff can be found neatly placed around the Morgue. She is very efficient at her job and dispises those in the department that do sloppy half assed work.  


On off hours Horris and Gretta at times have a fling reletionship, though she mainly pities and jeers at Horris. She gets on well with the heads of the faculity she may be the only demon in the building that they dont just begrudingly tolerate!