


3 years, 8 days ago



Sweetgum was hatched on the outskirts of the Nightwing Kingdom (the one Darkstalker led them to after his 'revival'), and his parents were a Nightwing named Silenteyes and a Leafwing named Elm. Silenteyes, his mother, was blind, but she was able to care for him very well. His father also helped take care of him; since he didn't want to risk showing himself, he'd go off on his own to hunt for them. Same went for Sweetgum. His parents had no way to explain why he looked the way he did, so for the first three years of his life he and his father would stay hidden while Silenteyes would go to the Night Kingdom for supplies.

The thing at the time, however, was that the Nightwings' queen wasn't all that great, especially to outsiders or dragons who were not Nightwings. Even if she thought Elm looked interesting, he'd most likely be captured and kept somewhere where others could view him. Well, that never exactly happened, not to his father while he was alive, at least. One day, Sweetgum was out walking alone in the surrounding forest, as he usually would. When he came back to his home, his mother wasn't there (which made sense, she had gone out to get supplies), but his father wasn't as well. He called out to him but didn't get a response.

He soon learned that his father had been captured by a group of guards, and that they were looking for him. His mother had no idea what to do, and neither did he. She told him to fly away- to run, to do anything. Left with no choice, he did, flying off not knowing what was laying ahead for him. All he knew was that he wanted his parents back.