


6 years, 11 months ago



"Chaos is the score upon which reality is written." - Henry Miller 

anthropomorphic personification of chaos
none (male/neutral pronoun)
there was no time
purple, number 8, his wig, himself, children, playing tricks, mess
rules and order, lawyers, grey tones, mathematicians, the one who cut off his hand
Voice example:


  • very very random and spontanious
  • testy
  • creative
  • extroverted
  • egocentric
  • narcissistic and peacocky



  • Height: variable, usually around 2m
  • usually tall and slender body
  • pure white skin
  • skin texture is very soft almost like velvet
  • 6 arms
  • 5 hands
  • flat face

Clothes | Accessoirs

  • red wig
  • ornaments with chaos stars
  • black marker
  • he can create literally everything he wants
  • 3 shirts
  • long purple cape
  • purple trousers (usually jeans)
  • fancy leather shoes
  • barock neckerchief


Kaos does neither have a face nor hair. He wears a wig and renews his "face" with a black marker whenever the colour starts to fade. Even though his face is just paint he can show expressions. He doesn't have to eat, drink or sleep. His appearance is influenced by the most intelligent species on a planet but 8 limbs and no face are constant. Kaos is obsessed with the colour purple and the number 8. In his presence all things tend to act very strange, you never know what happens when he is around.

"Kaos is my most overpowered character ever. And they are a huge dork..."

Kaos was never born, they were there but "not" existed before they started "existing". Their former "self" was the nothingsness or the void as you may call it. A paradox way of beeing and not beeing at the same time.
But one day, out of the blue, Kaos went mad. They left behind their former not existing self and decided to start existing. However, they still were alone in empty nothingness. Not even time or space existed, just Kaos. So they created something to bear them compatny.
Ness was born and with them space, dark energy and matter and some physical particles. Now they existed together but still there was nothing more than mere darkness. So Kaos decides to create another existence.
Rise brought light, physical forces and energy.
However Ness' and Rises gifts interacted and a huge explosion and mass of matter and anti-matter was set free in a single blow. Time and the Universe were born.
Kaos could not have been happier. Finaly something happened! From now on they had their own little sandbox to play in. Kaos created several "back-up" universes, so they had several things to play with without worrying about. Unfortunatly Ness didn't share Kaos' joy. They wanted to keep their dark space but now they had to share it with their sibling Rise who enjoyed their creation as much as Kaos did. A fight between light and darkness was the consequence. Ness wanted to erase everything Rise loved and in the end Rise herself. Rise of course wanted to protect it. A few universes fell dark again before Kaos noticed what was going on. They had to end this. So their solution was to implant each sibling a shard of one another to weaken their abilities and sooth their temper. Also with this shard they could never destroy one another because this would cause their own destruction. From now on Kaos always had an eye on his offspring to not lose more of his precious universes.

Kaos is watching life spreading across their universes. Beeing not bound to any laws they do what they want. Sometimes Kaos manifests on planets or plays around with stars, nebulars or blackholes. They exist everywhere in every universe at every time. Kaos bodyless beeing causes our usual odds just their manifestation and intended actions cause abnormalities. One day a powerfull beeing [insert name] cut off one of their left hand. This hand had a mind of its own and as soon as it was disconnected from its body it run off. Kykirr was born. Kaos was mad at the powerfull beeing [insert name] and shattered it. Now Kos is trying to get back their lost hand which of course enjoys beeing free.

kaos_aesthetic_by_surrial-dc9symn.jpgThis moodboard and all the images shown in here, are only for personal use. All credits go to the original artists.



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