


3 years, 15 days ago


Current Age: 34

So where to start with this guy? Gil is the leader of the assassins but he isn’t one himself. He was born between a naga and human couple so he came out mostly human. The only things that give him away are his eyes and tongue. 

His right eye is normal but his left eye is where his naga blood comes into play. If he has eye contact with someone he can essentially change their memories to whatever he wants or erase them completely. At first, he didn’t use the power at all but once he got older, he realized he wanted more for himself than just a normal life. Getting a job, raising a family? None of that appealed to him. 

Gil decided to get himself rich then. He started an assassin’s guild and recruited children into it. He would rip them away from their families, wipe their memories, then train them to be killing machines. He exploits them for everything they’re worth in order to obtain his goals of riches. 

His personality is sort of a mystery. Around people he’s charismatic, and incredibly charming. He can pull people into a conversation, he can make them spill their secrets, even without the use of his power. Also he is playful and loves to tease others. But alone, he has a complete 180. He’s dark, sinister, and plots how to get the biggest profit for himself with the use of his team.

The first person he recruited was Ren followed by Kite, Mio, then Eiko.

Strength: 2/10

Speed: 7/10

Intelligence: 10/10