Arjay - Haikyu!! -



3 years, 7 days ago



3rd year at Karasuno, refuses to button up their shirt all the way.
Silent Save
167.64 cm


Game Sense
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Serve Reception


Arjay's goal for highschool was to go to Japan and Kurasuno to follow in the Tiny Giant's footsteps and leave a legacy behind. They first saw him on a TV they were passing by during a trip to Japan. Immediately there were entranced and thus began their love for volleyball. They mainly played soccer and racquetball their entire life but their interest quickly shifted. Whenever they could, they were practicing their sets and volleys in their backyard, in a gym or with friends. When it came to their final year in middle school they were applying to any and all school with a well-known volleyball program, despite Karasuno being at the top of their list. When they got in, they were "influenced" away from trying out for the men's team, since they have the physique of a woman. Frustrated, they went outside and started serving the ball as hard as they could against a wall. This caught the attention of the team captain of the women's team. She took interest in them as they proceeded to save and dig up every ball that they launched a bit farther than they originally intended. She influenced them to try out for the women's team, with much hesitation from Arjay. They quickly took up the libero position due to their fast reflexes and flexible joints. It took them a lot of time to get used to being on an actual team instead of just practicing with their friends or on their own in their free time. They made close friends with Yui Michimiya and the two have been inseperable. Arjay's best friend, Miz, also applied to Karasuno since it was her dream to live in Japan. Arjay, having their own place, quickly took Miz in and introduced her to everyone that they knew, starting with Michimiya. Being in their third year currently, they definitely have left a legacy behind and many of people looking up to them. They have worked hard at every practice and game, even if the results didn't exactly pan out the way that they wanted. Found comforting Michimiya after losing the Interhigh Prelims in their third year, they both broke down sobbing. Arjay now is more of a mentor on the team instead of an actual player; teaching the new underclassmen the ropes and guiding them alone. Not the legacy they had hoped for, but one they're okay with leaving behind.


Arjay is typically very loud and rambunctious but when it comes to any sport, soccer, volleyball, racquetball, their mind is there and there alone. They are extremely determined to be the best at what they do and cannot settle for second. Their determined nature makes them hard to approach when getting frustrated since they're a ticking time bomb that's going to blow at any minute. They're easily irritable and easy to provoke as well. Lots of the teasing or prodding from other teams gets under their skin easily which causes them to make mistakes. Once they get their head in the game and shake off the comments, they're practically unstoppable getting 95% of the balls into the air for an attack. They're also extremely hot-headed, and need to be right in almost every argument they have. If they don't come out on top, then they can't function and get even more upset. It makes them feel like they didn't do well enough if they don't win at whatever they're doing. If they mess up too many times in a row or just in general, it gets under their skin and they start to doubt their abilities. Keeping those thoughts to themselves however, they try to use their frustration to keep the rest of the team motivated because what's the point in letting the most hype player on the team crack under the pressure?

While they're really hot-headed, Arjay does have a soft side, almost a parental side. They're often seen taking care of injured team members during or after games and practices. They have a parental like nature to them and instead of yelling at the team, opts for scolding them but also encouraging them to do their best since the game isn't over until it is so why not give it everything you got? They can be soft spoken and sensitive but prefer to be vulnerable with people they trust the most if with anyone at all. They hide their feelings of not being good enough so as to not bring the rest of the teams' spirits down and keep energy high until they get a chance to break away and feel on their own. They're extremely insecure, still feeling out of place at the school despite having a place with anyone they had met at the school. The underclassmen look up to them and how levelheaded they are during games despite the hyperactive, hot headed and cold nature they exude during practices.

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  • Absolutely adores Nishinoya, he's like a reflection of them in a way.
  • All of their muscles are in their legs due to playing soccer for so many years.
  • Would give anything to change the outcome of the Interhigh prelims; to keep Michimiya playing the sport she loves.
  • After losing the tournament, Arjay tags along with the men's team, mainly for Miz, but quickly takes a liking to Daichi, Nishinoya and Sugawara.
  • Goes on runs to clear their head after a rough game or practice.
  • Is underweight by so many means but struggles to fix it.
  • Lives with their best friend Miz after she moves to Japan a couple years after they do.
  • Is supposed to be taking ADHD medication but Nishinoya is a terrible influence on that front.
  • Loves to gel back Nishinoya's hair in the morning if he spends the night.
  • Their favorite colors are pink and silver.
  • Absolutely refuses to button their shirt up all the way.
  • Ruffles Daichi's hair after he uses one of their suggestions that works in practice or games, much to his dismay.
  • Lives on Arizona teas at this point but still drinks water.. sometimes.


  • The praise from game spectators
  • Aquarium dates
  • Moon jellyfish
  • Chasing butterflies
  • Chocolate milk
  • Energy drinks


  • People who are loud for no reason
  • Describing things
  • Artificial grape flavoring
  • Bugs.
  • Summer heat
  • Tsukkishima, that adorable bastard
  • Making Daichi mad, it happens a lot


Yui Michimiya
Best Friend

Michimiya and Arjay met on the first day after Arjay was discouraged from the men's team. She was the one to encourage them to try out for the women's which led to them bonding and practicing together to go over life stuff or whatever they learned in practice that day. To anyone else, they might look like siblings due to their physical similarities and how close they are. Michimiya immediately took a liking to Miz as well, which made Arjay super happy that their two best friends would be friends too! It took a little bit of warming up from Miz's end, but the three of them hang out all the time at Arjay's place and get ice cream or popsicles while walking back. Arjay tells Michimiya almost everything about themselves and was the first person they told about being non-binary and after some explanation, she understood and supported them entirely. She even talks about going to America someday with Arjay just to go to a Pride parade with them.

Yu Nishinoya

Arjay and Nishinoya didn't meet all that officially until Miz had dragged Arjay to the men's practice as she was their new manager and had to introduce herself. Arjay stood by and watched the rest of the practice that day and was completely focused on Nishinoya and his "signature move." Noya, as always, was showing off for Kiyoko but Arjay didn't mind. The two of them have known each other for about a year since they're both friends with Sugawara, and Arjay was the only one that Noya would allow to hold or touch him to calm him down after anything that worked him up. As far as they knew, it was a here and there kind of thing. After the women's team lost the interhigh prelims, Arjay was hanging around the men's team more and more as the noise helped them focus on their homework. Plus, they got to hang out with Miz more since she moved out to Japan. They would accompany the team on bus rides and every time Nishinoya and Miz would fight over who would get to sit next to them, but after time Miz started stepping down because she could see how infatuated Noya was with her best friend. After a few bus rides of libero bonding and casual flirting, Arjay took their chance after a meeting after a game and grabbed him by his waist and pulled him in for a kiss. Noya happily returned and Coach Yukai was heard from the corner of the gym yelling at them to get a move on. Arjay has to hold Nishinoya back as well as Tanaka when Miz is talking to Kuroo because both are extremely protective over their "little sister."

Koushi Sugawara
Close Friend

The two of them have had classes together since they both started at Karasuno. They talked here and there and became decent friends with each other, hanging out every now and then. But Sugawara and Arjay really hit it off a year later, as they were both trying to calm down Nishinoya after a pretty tough match on his mentality. They both approached him in a calming manner and while Arjay held him a little bit, Sugawara was trying to keep his spirits up. After that and Noya had calmed down, Arjay and Sugawara started talking a bit more about different tactics about the team and different techniques for them to try out in games. The two of them began hanging out more and more and became super close friends, constantly studying together and Arjay stealing Suga's t-shirts when they would sleep over. They both have the aggressively positive vibe going for them and whenever someone starts talking bad about themselves, both of them can be heard screaming affirmations from the bench and the stands. Sugawara also knew about Noya's feelings for Arjay since he seemed to be off his game whenever they weren't at practice with them. He also has feelings for them but to keep them both happy, Sugawara kept them hidden from Nishinoya. They dated momentarily, just to try, just to see if Arjay might have felt the same since they've been unsure for so long about it. They didn't feel the same, which led to about a month period of them not really talking until Arjay just confronted him about it. After some time, the two of them are close as ever and hang out all the time after practice walking home.

Fellow Libero

These two met as both Arjay and Emily (and Miz) were in the stands watching their respective schools' respective teams play against each other. After learning that Emily was also a libero, the conversation shifted and honestly, Arjay got yelled at a few times to keep it quiet so the teams could focus. There's no bad blood between the two, in fact quite the opposite. Emily and Arjay are fairly close as friends and talk pretty often but don't hang out all that often.

Best Friend

Miz and Arjay have been friends for about 6 years before this and so when she heard that they were moving to Japan to pursue volleyball, she immediately said "CAN I COME??" It's always been a dream of hers to go to Japan, even just to visit, bUT NOW SHE HAD REASON! TO BE WITH HER BEST FRIEND! Due to the age gap between the two, Miz couldn't go until she finished junior high. When she eventually moves to Japan to live with Arjay, she then dragged them to the practice where she would introduce herself to the men's team as their new manager. Arjay showed them around the school and Miz would ask, after meeting Sugawara, "OOooo is that your boyfriend?" To which Arjay would respond that he's just a friend and they share classes together. She soon got the hang of things and made some friends with the first years. The two of them live together which is as hectic as it sounds. Arjay had also introduced her to Michimiya, who absolutely adored Miz as though she was a little sister. While at first she was a little jealous of their friendship, she soon came to look up to her like a big sister.

Daichi Sawamura

Both of them have more of an "acquaintance" relationship than actual friends, but Arjay'd rather die than say that he's not a friend. The two of them bond mainly over "captainy" things and coaching the team while also keeping them out of trouble. With Arjay around the team more often, Daichi can relax a bit when it comes to Nishinoya and Tanaka as they have a handle on the situation. He really likes having them around since they have a way to keep the mood lighthearted even in some dark situations, especially when Tanaka is ready to get into a fight. The two of them have classes together so they should be closer than they are but really only talk after practices when Arjay has some ideas for the team to try out, but the coach actually scares them.

Kei Tsukishima
Mortal Enemy

They are so alike it's painful. Arjay gives him back the same energy Tsukki displays to everyone else. When they start to argue, duck and cover dudes. Duck. And. Cover. If you see a ball about to hit your face, don't worry it's normal. Make sure to keep sharp objects away from them and also that any projectiles are stored safely away.

Tanaka Ryuunosuke

Arjay met Tanaka around the same time as they met Nishinoya, but also didn't get to know him all that well until Miz brought them to practices and they stuck around since they took a liking to Nishinoya. Tanaka and Arjay are as close as siblings and honestly, Arjay did have a crush on his older sister for a bit because d a m n. Tanaka teases both Nishinoya and Arjay relentlessly but supports his best friends with every ounce of his being. Although he is a bit jealous that Arjay gets more attention from Noya than he does but shhh don't tell. Arjay has to hold Tanaka back as well as Nishinoya when Miz is talking to Kuroo because both are extremely protective over their "little sister."

Kuroo Tetsuro
Buddy man?

Miz's boyfriend. They get along fairly well!! They both know how to keep a conversation going but it's usually cut short when Arjay has to go hold Nishinoya and Tanaka back when Miz comes up to talk to Kuroo. They want to get to know each other better because they have something really important to them in common: Miz. Anyway, they both love to tease Miz and use her as an arm rest, although she doesn't get aS mad about it when Kuroo does it compared to Arjay. Oh. Arjay also really likes to make fun of his hyena laugh.