Hikaru's Comments

anyone in my th? can do multiple 💥

sonas and on hold are nft 🙏🗿

ahh I saw a few I was interested in but nobody that I really connected with 😭 if king ever comes off of hold Id auto accept 💔🛐🛐

you good, and sadly i’m pretty sure king is going to the person who offered soon they’ve just been busy and haven’t been able to work on the art lately. but if anything happens i’ll definitely lyk! hope they find a good home 🤙

I have this design I can trade, if you're interested: https://toyhou.se/5848644.sleepygills-ferret

ahh theyre cute but I dont think Id use em 😭 ty for offering tho!
I did see a character on your profile that I was interested tho, not to trade this guy for but Id be down to offer art or some other characters on my profile!!
it was this guy ~~> https://toyhou.se/9736505.bellini 
if youre not interested in it then no worries! ty! 

I have to think about it a lil, but i'm tempted!

Would u trade any of these?:




ye! Id def trade jay, just a lil tent on nn and cassidy

I'll trade for jay! 

Sweet Ill send em over rn!

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I originally paid $250 so smthn around that! 😅