


6 years, 11 months ago


I made many mistakes when I was younger.

  • The firstborn son of the royal family of Pallas, making him the crown prince. From the moment he's born everyone can tell this child is special.
  • As a young kid, he gets whatever he wants because he's cute and knows it too. Who wouldn't love the starry little prince who struts around like his daddy? When he's seven though everyone has had enough, so his parents put him in training as a page alongside his lessons in reading, writing, mathematics and history. Now that he has responsibilities he's forced to stop being selfish and actually grow a little bit. 
  • As he's nearing the end of his training he's given a class in magic alongside some other almadel nobles, which is where he meets Gaepora. Only half a year apart, the two become fast friends and are soon known to cause trouble everywhere together. This is also where he harnesses his magic as a riftmaker and begins to create holes into other worlds.
  • At fourteen he starts training as a squire and shifts from seeing his position of prince as one of privelege to one of duty. He becomes more serious about his studies much to Gaepora's disappointment, but the two are still incredibly close to the point that they have a short love affair too. Though the two remain friends afterwards, Cosmodia knows Gaepora is still dwelling on it to this day.
  • A few years pass and he continues to grow in his role as a leader. After finishing his training at nineteen the king and queen ask him to officially begin the courtship process. He obliges for their sake, but feels rather apprehensive about the whole ordeal. He creates a lot of destructive habits as a result.
  • Cosmodia is twenty-five and staying at another noble's castle on the seaside when he encounters the mermaid Oceana. The two click immediately and Cosmo begins a relationship with her in secret, using her as an outlet for his other relationships in court. He's with her for two summers before finding out she's pregnant. Now aware of his mistake, Cos has a full-on breakdown and withdraws to himself for a month.
  • What finally brings him out again is news of Gaepora's accident. The two both realize they've gone down the wrong roads, both with permanent consequences. The two finally confront their issues together. When Cosmodia admits he had an affair, Gaepora tells him to wait to see if it's a son before taking action.
  • Cosmo's original plan was to seal the marriage if the child was a stable almadel-blooded son, and to abandon mother and child if it wasn't. However, upon meeting his daughter for the first time he realizes he doesn't have the heart to do such a thing. He asks Gaepora to take care of them when he leaves to live by the sea. His friend agrees only on the basis of their long-term friendship. (Five years later Cosmo will hear that Oceana abandoned Gaepora with the baby)
  • With the affair, love and friendship behind him, Cosmodia steps fully into his role as prince, keeping all his relationships with others as impersonal as he can. At thirty-one he marries Lythana not out of love, but because they see each other as partners in business. The two have one child, Rigel. Two years later Cosmodia has his coronation and inherits the title of King from his father.
  • When Rigel is six (Cosmodia is thirty-eight at this point) he receives a letter from Gaepora saying that Oceana has long since left and he's been raising Marina on his own. Marina already ran away from home once to find her mother and might do the same for him. Cosmodia writes back two letters immediately, one to Gaepora thanking him for the correspondence and one to Marina, asking her to forgive him for needing space. He sends a yearly allowance to them after that, in a weak attempt to make up for what he should have done for them.
  • Cosmodia prefers to stand in next to his throne when addressing people in the throne room. The servants jokingly call the throne his "thinking chair" as he only sits down when he is deep in thought or completely exhausted.
  • Despite being slightly shorter than average, most people have false memories of him appearing near larger-than-life because of his regal personality.
  • Cosmodia became less emotionally expressive as time went on. His expression is either worn and stony or false and formal.