Philip Glade



2 years, 11 months ago


Philip Glade


Brutally Honest • Hard-Working • Tired

Name Philip Glade
Called Disaster Gremlin, Hedgehog
Gender Male
Date of Birth January 4th
House Hufflepuff - Prefect
Patronus Porcupine
Sexuality Demisexual
MBTI INTJ - The Architect
HTML Pinky

The first thing one needs to know about Philip is that whatever he is doing under that guise of fatigue, he is fully sentient about it, even if it looks like the dumbest thing ever. And yes, he will be painfully and visually aware if it’s something dumb. The teen possesses a thin filter on what he says and expresses, so more often than not you’ll know exactly what he’s feeling and thinking the moment he feels it, whether it’s a rather unpleasant comment or an uncannily deep compliment.

While not the most studious or ambitious student, the boy will focus on something and keep hitting it until he finally understands it. Philip has a very keen allergy for being the ignorant one, always preferring to dislike something he knows over criticizing something he knows nothing about. And more often than not he will criticize those who do. Whether that criticism is a kind reminder or a vicious callout is up to how conceited the other presented themselves as.

That being said, he’s not exactly the most courageous or brave. However, where Philip used to refuse doing anything to endanger his future or his stay at Hogwarts, afraid of never finding his place or making his presence known, he has come to realize certain people are part of his future, and they are worth putting some effort and courage into, whether the end result is ultimately good or bad. He has come a long way to realize some people do require a bit of a jolt to learn properly. But there will always be those who he’s given up on.

On the topic of loyalty and interpersonal interactions, the teen has a rather staunch belief that those who are honest know how best to be dishonest, himself included. A lot of the time, he will trust a liar more often than not to do their thing than an honest person to always be honest. Philip has a fixed case by case directive on whether he’s better trusting someone or not.

One who couldn’t fathom the idea of love, who didn’t think it possible for someone like him to feel what that was, the Hufflepuff has learned that love comes in many ways. In many shapes and forms and colors. And while romance is still far beyond his scope, Philip has earned the ability to empathize and to a degree to share his insight and knowledge without being entirely off putting.



  • Chocolate
  • Transfiguration
  • Quidditch
  • Muggle Cinema


  • His body
  • Dishonesty
  • Potions
  • Blythe

The tale of Philip Glade is not as complete without a mention or two of the tales that preceded his. Of Joel Glade and Gloria Wellspring.

Glade and Wellspring

As you can imagine, Gloria came from a full blooded Wizard family, one with not more than 3 generations, herself included. They were fairly adept in Transfiguration spells, some even having made the change to Animagi with quite a successful streak, something her cousins were no doubt able to continue perfectly. Herself? She was a lot less inclined to changing herself into an animal for no real reason other than tradition. Her love was in giving people a little bit more color, a little bit more prim and proper. She wanted to be a fashionista.

Joel, on the other hand... Halfblood son of a Halfblood and a Muggle. No real heritage to be said there. Joel wasn’t even too sure if he’d receive a letter when he was of the age. But his parents continued to support him, and a bit erroneously building up his expectations for the wizarding life he’d lead. Neither were too concerned with what kind of future he’d choose, as long as it led to one he’d find himself the happiest in.

Now, how did these two meet, you ask? Well it wasn’t until much later in their life, you see. Gloria ended up putting her family’s expertise to full use in her quest to finding the best and most satisfactory results in wizarding fashion, from special materials to exclusive charms and spells, while Joel, well, he went through a different path. He’d actually become a painter. A wizarding painter at that. While his skill was pretty debatable among the community, he was accepted into it all the same due to the scarcity of those wishing to become part of it.

As all good things, it all started with a funeral. A rather important member of the general art and entertainment community of the wizarding world. While neither of them were all that accomplished, one’s duty to their community compelled them to attend regardless. During the gathering afterwards, over canapés and a glass of wine, a comment flew about the painter’s drab appearance. Paint here and there and a rather uncharming clothing choice. A retort was thrown back regarding the fashionista’s lack of color coordination. They were married and expecting nearly a year later.

While the Wellsprings were a full blooded Wizard family, they were a fairly recent one with Muggleborn beginnings, so a marriage with a Halfblood was not under their list of objections, albeit they were apprehensive of Joel’s lifestyle, decorum and rather unstable profession. But then, their daughter had finally bloomed into a rather successful fashion designer, with all the benefits of one in such a position, including a rather large income, enough to help support Gloria’s soon-to-be family.

Accidents and Origins

Philip was born on the rather murky afternoon of January 4th. No rainfall, just a freezing wind and some really nasty-looking clouds. Healthy in weight, tone and general behavior, he was their ray of sunshine. Named after his great-grandfather for good luck, nobody would realize how amazingly accurate it would be in jinxing the boy’s existence in the future.

Seeing as both of his parents were artists, a lot of his early childhood consisted in attending art events, fashion galas and a lot more of the sort. But, much like the man he’d been named after, these were not things that seemed to interest him. Yes, his mother’s designs were definitely charming and pretty to look at, but enough of them were enough to make the boy want to jump out of his seat and run back to the car. Same could be said about the rather impressive enchanted portraits his father and the other artists painted.

Fair would be the adjective used to capture the essence of his parents’ raising methods. Philip’s curiosity would lead him to want to see what his parents were always cooking up, and like the doting parents they were, Joel and Gloria were more than happy to show him. Gloria more so than Joel, who required solitude to paint at his best. Having their child being interested in their crafts was a delight, even if he couldn’t understand half the words they were saying a lot of the time. Art theory and fashion designing were… beyond his child’s brain, and it stayed somewhat like that through the coming ages.

From early on, he was definitely not the strongest boy in the neighbourhood and coupled with his curiosity, restlessness and tendency for the clumsy, Joel’s hands were free enough to be the one tending to any scrapes or bruises his son acquired, while Gloria had the job of lecturing and punishing him for any misbehavior. None of which was done in public, of course. Even if the punishments were light, and the lectures caring with a side of strictness, there was no need to be making a scene in public. The words “We’ll talk about this at home” would be etched into Philip’s mind for life.

The education he received was only fair for one with his ancestry. His father wanted him to have at least a basis on whatever he’d want to do with his life, much like his parents before him, and his mother wanted her darling son to learn something about their world. Basic history of the world, basic societal Muggle and Wizard knowledge and etiquette, it was all for him to be aware of his surroundings as a young Wizard who would soon be going to a proper wizarding school. Because of course he was going to a wizarding school.

While his father’s side was once again of the mind they should prepare the boy to be his best self, his mother’s side wanted to make sure their ancestor’s name was well-treated and not complete and utterly shamed out of existence. The introduction the boy had to Transfiguration and the family tradition seemed to go well until a certain incident with uncle Finneas, who jumped out in his goliath birdeater Animagus form, attempting to put a small fright into the boy.

That was their utter undoing when it came to following tradition however. Scared and feeling threatened, Philip’s unconscious did what any of his lineage would do. A rather forceful magical push back sent cousin Finneas flying straight out the window. No harm done to him, but that was one hell of a wallop. Not only that, but the fright placed some rather nasty thoughts in his head and, while fascinated with the art of Transfiguration, the change to Animagus was not something he’d enjoy for himself at all, thanking his mother for having never done something like that to herself. The thought of his own mother being something as scary as that sent shivers down the child’s spine.

While all that was going through his head, his family in general just stared for a second, before his younger uncles ran out to help their cousin. He was found comfortably laid on a hedge, back in his human form, a bit startled and confused over what had happened after he’d transformed into his Animagus form. Once everyone was back inside, there was one thing everyone had gotten to know from this incident. The magic coursing through Philip’s veins. Not to mention it solidified the presence of both himself and his father in the Wellspring tree, even if it didn’t dispel a good deal of the objections they’d placed on the artist who was more likely to throw a sharp comment or quirky retort whenever it was his turn of joining the conversation.

Philip himself had only realized what had happened after his family had explained properly exactly how a wizard’s magical abilities would awaken within the children who possessed the potential. And while he was sorry he’d done that to a family member, the fact no one was angry didn’t quite sit well with the boy, magic awakening or no. Call it an inherited characteristic of his father. He immediately retaliated, retorting that cousin Finneas could’ve been hurt and instantly apologizing. The man simply laughed, accepting the apology and saying next time he could try it with a wand if he wanted to. Which honestly didn’t help the boy settle down, but little could calm a child like Philip when he got like that anyways.

The Letter

Eventually he’d approach the age where all young wizards and witches would expect that oh so famous letter. And one day, so it came. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Nobody was entirely surprised. It was only natural, after all. Nobody on the adult side, that is. Joel and Gloria, his mother’s family, even his father’s family, they all had expected him to get the letter and that only served to boost their confidence and their esteem, both of their family and their son. Philip read the letter and had to take a few deep breaths. Would he be able to learn more about Transfiguration? Would his family force him to change into an animal after he graduated? Would they just turn him into one?

Excitement, mixed with fear, relief and a guttural instinct to walk straight into a wall. That last one being his physical reaction when he was finally given a moment alone. Everything he’d been taught so far was the small potatoes. According to everyone else, this was do or die for his future. Why? He honestly didn’t know, but that was the reality of life and he’d have to bear with it, like his parents and their parents had gone with it.

Textbooks, clothes, utensils were all fairly easy tasks once the boy was (shackled by the wrist) grabbed by the hand and (dragged) led to each store. These were tools he would undoubtedly need in the coming years at the school. Albeit he found the Potions materials quite… daunting. The tricky part was convincing him that an owl was the best way to communicate with them from inside the school. The boy was pale and panicking inside the pet shop, his eyes reflecting each of the animals within as if they were vicious predators. And to an owl especially, this rat of a boy was the best fitting prey. A light brown patch owl with an amenable attitude was purchased and carried at least 5 meters away from the boy.

The final stage came as he was led into the Ollivanders. Only God knew the storm that was approaching. Normally a wizard takes a few tries to find a wand that acclimates well to them, their style, their personality, and their general potential. An average of 4/5 tries, I’d say, nothing to be ashamed of. 5 on 5 on 5 on 5, to the power of 5. The wands either fled Philip’s hands, blew him or something away or straight up refused to work. The last resort for the Glades was asking the Wellsprings for an old family wand of some sort, since those would have a lot less chance of rejecting the boy’s blood.

While it did not have to come to that, it may have provided a better situation than the one that arose. Going from the superb wands, to the fairly well crafted ones. From the average wands, to the alright ones. Straight to the… less desirable wands, crafted with somewhat poor materials that let no one even stand their presence for too long before being put away. There, with a 9 inch chestnut shell, stiffer than anything they’d seen, covering a core of troll’s whisker, there lay the one that chose Philip. His parents were… restless. Ollivander was certainly not pleased with a dud of his choosing a customer. But this was the only one that had behaved like it should have so it would have to do.

A slight doubt arose to the question of boy’s blood, and of the father’s blood at that, it was easily dispelled. He was his father’s son and the wizards in his side of the family, while not extensively accomplished, had skill and potential running through their veins. And the matter died at that, with obviously no one doubting the strength of a full blooded family’s blood. The reality was that Philip simply had a… subpar core material to work with, even going by the wandmaker’s comments on how there was a lot of potential to be drawn even from the wood and malleability the wand provided.

While knowing all that didn’t quite perturb the young wizard, seeing his parents like that definitely left a mark on him. Was a troll’s whisker that bad? Certainly it wasn’t a phoenix’s feather or a unicorn’s hair, but did any of that really matter? Probably, but to the 10 year old who simply wished this ordeal to be over, it really honestly didn’t. So, much like a child he was supposed to be, he stomped his foot on the ground and told the annoying adults that he’d love to get on with his life because at this rate he’d never get to Hogwarts, much less use his new wand to cast a spell.

With such an event behind them, only the future could await. Philip spent a good amount of his time turning the pages on his new books. Nothing too in depth, since a lot of his books were… bland. History of Magic seemed interesting. Transfiguration was taken from the first year, which was something he definitely enjoyed. That whole summer was spent on his parents, more his father than his mother, busy as she was, on the basics of what he seemed to enjoy the most. The rest would come naturally through proper schooling after all.

And so the fateful departure day would arrive. The day his new life began.

  • Philip knows a fair bit about both Muggle and Wizard first aid, carrying around bandaids and ointments in his pockets.
  • He is afraid (or at least wary) of most animals that cross his path, unless they are at a distance or properly restrained. Attending Prof. Castellian’s classes with Aurora has granted him a sturdier spine when it comes to facing animals, or so he’d like to think.
  • The teen deeply enjoys Muggle Cinema, especially dramas and thrillers. Zawadi has begun teaching him about Japanese media as well.
  • On the matter of his future, he currently is pondering on whether he should specialize in researching Transfiguration, studying Healing Magic or attaining a position within the Quidditch Association.
  • While he’s told many times to walk straight, at this point it’s his habit to walk hunched. The boy does stand and sit straight, however.
  • The boy possesses a body-eye coordination error, resulting in clumsy lapses from time to time.
  • While he has no real sugar deficiency issues, Philip has a rather large sweet tooth, resorting to eating sugary treats whenever he’s tired, annoyed, or just craving something. Chocolate is his favorite and he will hunt for any nearby chocolate if he hears of it.
  • Due to past experiences, he tends to be quieter around older students. Due to Vera’s efforts, the teen slowly became capable of breaking his silence, not to mention overcome his trauma of not wanting to be a senior that lies and deceives his underclassmen.
  • His experiences in the past have led him to not really know how to process concepts like love and friendship, but people like Aurora, Aphrodite and Mazikeen have colored his life and heart with friendship. Professor Fonstade’s views have also influenced his opinions on the matter.
  • Detached from most people and connections, he utilizes a naming and numbering system to recognize those whose faces he’s interacted with before. See in Philip's Code Names for a more complete extent.
  • Character Playlist: Philip Glade

Aurora Phoenix

Philip's closest friend and companion, Aurora is a firecracker on wheels. While she tends to be quieter and subdued on her own, whenever the two are together, it's like a flame lights up in her soul.


Aphrodite Avery

Philip's first real friend. The one who acted as the initial glue and spark for the gremlin's questions about friendships, this skittish Hufflepuff could roar as loud as a Gryffindor when the chance appeared.


Mazikeen Fey

Rather than being the closest to his heart, Mazikeen was the closest to Philip's mind. She positioned herself as someone who didn't even need to speak for Philip to understand her ways and when she did, he could already foresee what the Seer meant.


Mortedecai Fey

Mazikeen's brother and a caring person who will do literally anything to make the ones he wants feel right around him. A very sly person, Mortedecai makes any situation 200% funnier by simply being around and putting in his two cents.


Mae Toshiko

An acquaintance that Philip slowly warmed up to, Mae is his penpal. She is terribly skittish, especially around him, but her words and topics of conversation are engaging enough for him to consider her someone he can easily talk to. She has taught a lot about handling mental breakdowns.


Rhea Fonstade

The Potions-turned-History of Magic teacher who made her way to Philip's heart through a lot of effort and being an absolute piece of sunshine, Rhea wasn't one to give up on anyone, especially when she found they deserve her love and Philip is no exception. Prior to leaving Hogwarts, she had also become Hufflepuff's Head of House.


Elvira (Vera) Silvia

Vera Silvia is a mythical figure in Philip's mind, reminding him that people do get hurt even when he's being honest and, even more so, that not every upperclassman is vile or self-absorbed. She is his inspiration to being a proper upperclassman to those younger than him.


Vormir De Leon

The muse to what he aspires to be when he's older, this ex-Transfiguration teacher was the accumulation of long supernatural years of knowledge and study and life experience. She had much to teach and Philip learned a lot from the vampire.


Zawadi Liang

The Gryffindor that Philip saw a lot of potential in. She is poised and curious and she is fairly normal when it comes to being a teenager, but it's her observation powers and her demeanor that truly make him enjoy conversations with her.


Althea Faradith

A fair soul and relentless in her efforts, Mme. Faradith is by far one of Philip's biggest influences, as she ingrained a future in him that he might be happy with. His mentor in the arts of Healing Magic, his advisor in matters of self-image and his caretaker through the sheer amount of accidents he goes through.


River Alvarado

A young Gryffindor that honestly put him off at first. A firecracker with a curiosity that made him want to erase his existence. But the more they talked, the more they grew to understand how similar they truly were, in their own ways.


Vivian Cho

While they have never spoken in their life, Mme. Cho is credited with Philip's love for Quidditch and his dream of commentating on the game, with her critical eye, well worded analysis and a timber that would entrance any fan, the teen holds her in the highest of respects.


Aurora Bellerose

Hufflepuff's Head of House and Transfiguration Professor, Bellerose stuck herself in quite a lot of situations with Philip. He doesn't hate her, but the fact her name, face and mannerisms are similar to his best friend, and the fact her theories on Transfiguration clash with his make every conversation they have jarring and awkward.


Joel Solomon

The Alchemist Professor excels at his job, but the fact his face is uncannily like staring at a distorted mirror and his name is the same as his father's gives Philip a sense of discomfort. It doesn't help he seems to have a relationship with Prof. Bellerose.


Wilbur Dorsey

This ghost is, for the lack of a better word, the bane of Philip's life. The teen found him one day in a corridor around the Hufflepuff Cellar and ever since, it seems like it's part of his life to poke and joke around Philip, much to his chagrin.


Blythe Remington

The least that can be said about this Hufflepuff, the better. Sweet and naive, Blythe is the picture perfect little girl who believes in fairy tales and sees the world as a fantasy. But in doing so, she chooses to ignore reality, something Philip is entirely against, especially when it comes to attempting to tell her there is more to the world and to her neglectful behavior. He has since erased her from his perception.