


3 years, 3 months ago


you're my candy pop

Tell me, what does today taste like?

Go to: Basics, Design, Personality, Story, Relationships, Trivia


Human/Stand User

July 23rd
Candy Pop

Delia is a member of La Squadra di Esecuzione/The Hitman Team, and a honorary member of Bruno's Gang in the later part of Vento Aureo. Despite the cute name and appearance, her stand actually allows her to melt things or stick things/melt things into other objects by simply touching them, much like candy on a hot day. The process is rather slow through just one touch, but it becomes more powerful the more she hits someone with it. But it also works in a helpful way as well, making it easy for her and her teammates to stick without melting to other objects until they wish to move again.


designer link
Right is Brown, Left is Green
Slightly Tanned

Long & Pink w/ Bangs
body type

Has multiple tattoos, but the heart that's shown by her crop top is the most visible one. Almost always wears her fluffy rainbow colored coat, and usually has a crop top and skirt to go along with it. But isn't against other combinations such as a variety of dresses or shorts. Almost never wears just full on pants though unless she absolutely has to. Normally has a hair clip that matches whatever she's wearing in the moment. (kinda working on the final design for her still)


While Delia can be a bit quiet when you first meet her, she almost instantly becomes extremely energetic and friendly once you get to know her in the slightest. She knows when to get serious but for the most part she's a bit of an infodumper, willing to talk to anyone about anything she finds interest in. Though this does result in a girl with a very soft aesthetic talking about murder and gore a lot due to her love for horror and her stand being a very body horror-esque type stand. She can get angered fairly easily, and is just very emotional in general. While she'll hold these things back in battle, she is known to let these emotions out a lot around the people she trusts. Overall a sweetheart, but a very odd and kind of deadly one.

Anything Cute (esp. Animals)

Loud Noises (esp. Storms)
Being Underestimated


your character's story or history or whatever can be told here. your character's story or history or whatever can be told here. your character's story or history or whatever can be told here. your character's story or history or whatever can be told here.

here's a subheader

your character's story or history or whatever can be told here. your character's story or history or whatever can be told here. your character's story or history or whatever can be told here. your character's story or history or whatever can be told here.

Post Vento Aureo

Delia finds herself actually rejoining Passione due to Giorno being the new boss, as she deeply respects him. Within canon, she becomes the Capo of her own new assassin squad, and keeps little trinkets of her formerly family on her, an act of rememberance to make it clear she will never forget them. Within a no one dies au, she rejoins La Squadra and they once again become a part of Passione due to Giorno being the new boss. Everything is happy as things can be in the mafia and her and Ghiaccio even have a very sweet reunion, completely confirming their relationship had it not been clear before.



Love interest. Loves to call him Ghia as a cute nickname. Ghiaccio didn't really like her much at first, and her constant switching between soft and spooky kind of had him a bit concerned until he got used to it. Now he has a bit of a strong desire to protect her, though he'd never tell her or anyone else that (rip to him it's way too obvious).

La Squadra

While she's the closest to Risotto, Melone, and Pesci; she gets along with all of her team pretty well. Considers them to be her family, and is at a loss for what to do when she loses any of them. Completely heartbroken after the events with Sorbet and Gelato, and is more than willing to join their plan to take down the Boss.

Bruno's Gang

Despite the two being on opposing sides at first, she finds herself joining with them later on to take down Diavolo as their goals quickly aligned. She sees a lot of La Squadra in them, as despite being in a serious situation they can even goof around with each other at times. Considers them good allies and friends by the end and harbors no ill will against them.


Usually keeps a couple pieces of candy or some sort of sweet in her pockets to snack on during stake out parts of missions.

Has brought back multiple snakes with her in her time because she called them "cute." At least three she has indeed kept.

Sometimes uses things she saw in horror films during fights. How much they work though varies.

Does need glasses, but her vision is decent enough that she always forgets to wear them.

Super affectionate. Unfortunate for Ghiaccio who's soul leaves his body whenever she gets all cuddly. Which is very often.