[Edeia] Sect



3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info












Actualized at 30




An Edeia representing the idea of Superstition. 

Deviantart mirror here.

Her personality is captivating and beguiling. She gives off a feeling of wanting to be near her while also feeling as though you should stay away. You could be conversing with her normally but would have a feeling of unease or unknown in the back of your mind wondering what she might be thinking or intending. Her intentions are not malicious but it’s hard to feel comfortable with her while also being enamoured with her. So her personality may appear straight laced or demure while also appearing soft and appealing.  

Her abilities are tied to the supernatural itself. With superstition being a reverence for the supernatural, she has an affinity for the unnatural world, magic and that which is not understood, revelling in its use or worship, she feels euphoric when around magic and people who wield it. While around normal people she causes them to question their perception of reality, causing doubts in their mind to form that the normal world is truly the “norm”.

A large part of superstition is drawn from the fear of the unknown, she is able to reduce that fear in people in order for them to embrace that unknown and dive into the things they would otherwise be too afraid to do. To her, people should embrace the unnatural and in doing so, embrace herself.

Sect was a young woman with almost an obsession with the supernatural. She believed very strongly in cause and effect and the universe itself exacting a toll from your choices and actions. Even something as simple as breaking a mirror bringing seven years bad luck was a clear violation of the universe’s laws to her and she believed whole-heartedly that this would be the case. She revered the magical world she believed so strongly in, it was her religion and her way of life. What we may call wicca would be the closest most accurate description with her embracing the magical world. At the time of her actualisation magic was well known throughout the world and had become a part of society, but to Sect it was always her draw believing that magic was not only there but the most fundamental part of the universe. That it infected everything that is and was, that it determines the results of everything you do. That the old wives’ tales you were told as a child to make you behave were all true, every one of them.

Her actualisation came fairly quickly after she felt her idea magic since her idea itself stems from it. Her beliefs were realised, the superstition she felt and the people who while understanding magic was real believed she was too obsessed with the idea and too engrossed would all be proven wrong. And she could make people see what she did, the vast and ever growing magic that weaves its way in everything. She was superstitious as a human, and now she was superstition itself.

Description of Abstraction
Her abstraction is a wooded area with consistent autumn colours of ambers and reds. However, as you walk through the area of her abstraction the appearance changes out the corners of your eyes so you may notice a tree with a face or a creature watching you from the peripherals. If you turn to look at the shift then it will look normal. While this isn’t necessarily a scary experience it is clearly a shift in your perception of the reality around you.