
Basic Info

Name: Nozuk Vose

Nickname: Shazu

Era: Old Republic

Gender: Male (he/him)

Species: Mirialan

Occupation: Jedi Knight

Sexuality: Gay


Born to a Sith-aligned Mandalorian clan, when Shazu was discovered to have been Force sensitive, the clan was going to trade him over to the Sith. However a Jedi by the name of Jakar Valo was on a mission in the area and rescued the child. He did not tell the Council or Shazu about his origins. 

Shazu was a prodigy in combat from his early days as a youngling. He was assigned to Master Jakar who taught him how to listen to the Force, no matter the circumstance. Shazu was knighted at 22, and joined the war effort. Around this time he met a fellow Knight named Akos, who he did not like at the time.

He went on a mission with his master to apprehend some escaped prisoners. Unfortunately a Sith Lord showed up, almost killing Shazu with force lightning and killing his master. This provoked Shazu into using Force lightning on the Sith, but he got away. He fears having to use Force lightning, but will do so if provoked.

He was honest about the Council with his brief fall to the darkside, and he devoted himself to the light, becoming a pacifist and a therapist.

Years after the incident, he took on a Padawan named Aurei Liin, who recently lost her first master. Shazu tried his best to help her, but she refused to accept him as her master, only calling him a teach, something that made him very sad.

The Sith who killed his master confronted Shazu and his Padawan, and Shazu briefly broke his pacifism in order to save her.

Upon his return to the temple, he reunites with Akos, who tells Shazu that he likes him. Shazu thinks on it for a couple days before telling Akos he's ready for a relationship, however they need to tell the Council before they get ahead of themselves. First, they tell Aurei, who is not happy about it.

The Council holds a meeting to determine if they should allow the relationship, to which they decide that they will not at the moment, but will consider it in the future. This makes Shazu sad, but he understands given his past.

He takes Aurei to Ilum to get her a crystal, but snaps at her that she refuses to change no matter how hard she tries, but he later regrets it. After the trial, Aurei tells Shazu she wants another master, but secretly is planning to leave the Order. Once Shazu finds this out he is able to persuade her to not leave.

Then he finds out about his Mandalorian origins and that he has a long lost sister, to which he goes to meet.