Spore/Roadkill's Comments

Hello! Would anyone in my TH interest you? :3 the biggest OL are in truesonas and mains. Other than that I am open to offers on most! Just tent on some of course :D

You have a lot of beautiful ocs!! :D The only one I saw that I'd use is this one! https://toyhou.se/4302350.calypso my apologies tho if you are tent on them! spore has some extra sketches i need to upload still too :)

Hey! Sorry for the late reply, but calypso is unfortunately being considered by someone right now ): I’m really sorry. I should have mentioned that in the first place

Are they still ufs for $80? If so I’m interested!!

yes they are! 

What’s your PayPal/preferred payment? :0 I love this little critter!! I’ll send over the payment asap! 

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i would!!! i’ll pm you :)

are you still interested? 

I can offer anyone! vixen is off limits tho

are you interested in character offers at this time on them?

would you be interested in them?

hi there! i’m mainly interested in usd right now but thank you for the offer ☺️

ah sorry my bad! good luck selling!