coding test again?



6 years, 10 months ago


Background »

Jasper was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan and knows the city like he knows the back of his hand. Though his homelife had always been simple and easy, his family itself was sometimes seen as a bit unorthodox. Two mothers and no father to speak of sometimes garners attention and raises eyebrows, but the Parks had always been a happy family regardless of how the world viewed them. Coming from two gay mothers, his own sexuality was never been an issue, able to comfortably come out pretty much as soon as he realized himself. Of course, being out publicly wasn't always easy, but it wasn't too hard--until one specific date. At 15, Jasper went on a movie date with friends--and a boy, and after splitting off from the group, he realized he was being followed. The man following him trailed him until he had a good opportunity before he pulled him into an alleyway and attacked him, slicing up his face and leaving him with the scar he still bears. In a desperation for survival, his body acted on its own accord, and his mutant powers activated. The blood spilled by his attacker changed, hardening into small crystals--sharp crystals, and even though it was far from Jasper's intention, they moved quick as bullets, and killed his attacker.

Thankfully, the X-Men stepped in before law enforcement could have their way with him, and he was forced to attend Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters until he could be considered in control of his powers. He didn't stay longer than a year, only learning basic control of his powers--his mothers were adamant about him being taken out of the program before his powers could be weaponized, and Jasper couldn't exactly ignore their wishes. Regardless, he viewed his time at the school as a positive experience, coming to terms with being a mutant and accepting himself for who he is. Even today, Jasper never shies away from admitting his mutant status--or keeping any secrets about who he is--and wants to help fight for mutant equality.


Basics »

NameJasper ParkAliasBloodstone
CalledJasper, JasMeaningTreasurer
Age18SignOctober 1, ♎
GenderMaleBirthplaceDetroit, MI
OrientationHomoflexibleEthnicityHalf-Korean, Half-Unknown
MutationHemokinesisLivesDetroit, MI

"all experience ever does is confirm my doubt; i wasn't convinced that i'd ever really come around"

Likes »

  • ✔️ activism, debate
  • ✔️ anime, love live, video games
  • ✔️ crystals, tarot
  • ✔️ cute pretty boys
  • ✔️ grunge fashion, the color black

Dislikes »

  • ✖️ violence
  • ✖️ ignorance, stupid people
  • ✖️ meat, polution
  • ✖️ ...
  • ✖️ ...

Personality »


Jasper's personality went through a fairly drastic change after experiencing trauma; at age 15, he was almost murdered, and accidentally killed his attacker in turn. Though he wasn't punished by law, the experience has shaped him into a very different person. Before, Jasper was very social and brave; unafraid of rejection because he didn't understand consequences. He did well in school as a A/B student, played sports, attended clubs, and managed to make friends with just about anyone--as long as they weren't bigoted. It was rare to see him without a smile on his face and laughter in his voice.

After the incident, Jasper receded and became more cautious. Moving away from Detroit, even just for a year of boarding school, brought out a new, shy version of Jasper, but after a few weeks, he started to socialize and get along with his students. His schoolwork was average, but he was making friends and learning self control, and with that, he was able to return home. Upon returning home however, he decided not to re-attend school, opting to take classes online instead. He didn't seem depressed, but he did seem a bit defeated; he didn't speak to his old friends anymore and he didn't go out after dark, or alone. Most of his socialization occurred over the internet, but his mothers were mostly just glad he was socializing at all anymore.

Though his online persona, Jasper seemed to find his confidence again, gradually coming into his own once more. Though he is growing bravery, he knows the bravery is different. Knowing the dangers of your actions and still proceeding with them is a lot more like bravery than blindly acting is. After years of living in fear, Jasper wants to stand up for those who are too small or weak or silenced to stand up for themselves. This desire leads to his deeper interest in activism, social justice, and even politics.

No matter how close you may be to Jasper, he's unafraid to correct and educate, and generally doesn't want to waste his time being friendly with someone who's opinions are too far off from his own. He has turned to veganism, for animals, health, and the planet, and does his best to only give his business to cruelty free and locally sourced employers and products. He attends peace rallies and protests, and though he considers himself a pacifist, he knows change doesn't often come peacefully, and he's willing to fight for it.


  • i dont know

Character »

Charisma ★ ★ ★
Kindness ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Patience ★ ★ ★
Empathy ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Perception ★ ★ ★

Skills »

Strength ★ ★ ★
Stamina ★ ★ ★ ★
Logic ★ ★ ★ ★
Intelligence ★ ★ ★
Discipline ★ ★ ★

Physical »

Appeal ★ ★ ★ ★
Poise ★ ★ ★
Confidence ★ ★ ★ ★
Style ★ ★
Health ★ ★ ★ ★ ★



SkintoneTanHair StyleWavy, messy, shaved sides

Jasper is fairly tall, fairly fit, thin but not without muscles. Though he's mixed race, it's very obvious that he's half Korean--the other half is mostly unspecified, as his mothers simply tried to find a donor who looked a bit similar to Natalie. He’s quite tan, more similar in skin tone to his mom than his eomma, and it's something he is ever so slightly self conscious of. He has strong cheekbones, and full lips, but despite that, Jasper doesn't find himself to be handsome--though he understands he isn't ugly either. His most distinguishing feature is the scar across his cheek, from an attack when he was 15. Like most people, he has other smaller scars here and there from minor injuries.

Jasper dresses in primarily monotone colors--black and white are the biggest in his wardrobe, but he wears gray, red, and muted jeans as well, like most teenagers. Black combat boots are big in his wardrobe, as well as flannel shirts, black leggings, and anything street style he can get his hands on. He also has a jacket with several activism related patches and pins on it. He has gauges, but otherwise no other piercings or tattoos.

He wears make up as long as he goes out of the house; luckily, he was blessed with fairly full eyebrows, but he styles them regardless, and fills his lashes out with mascara. He doesn't believe make-up should be something restricted to women, and will wear products unabashedly. Of course, he only wears cruelty-free, natural make-up, and has considered hosting a beauty channel on youtube about it if his cameras ever worked.

important notes

  • Has an M tattoo on his right wrist, branding him as a mutant.


crystallization - can rearrange the minerals in blood in order to shape them into crystal; if still in the blood, the crystals cause pain, clotting, and internal bleeding from the surrounding areas. outside the body, crystalized blood can be propelled towards targets at high speed (similar to a bullet but not quite as fast). because of the small size of these blood bullets, not much blood must be used. blood manipulation - can manipulate and control blood in its natural liquid form. cannot move it quickly enough to damage or cut. can draw more blood from a wound through this to the point of being able to completely drain a body of blood, even through something as small as a paper cut (this would take great strength; creating bigger gashes would make the job easier) blood clotting - can clot blood and stop a wound from bleeding, useful for temporarily healing others until they can be transported to a hospital/proper healer. blood shielding - can use blood to create a shield of sorts. this requires enough blood to sufficiently cover the area. shield will be crystalline in nature. mohs scale hardness 6.5-7 > blood gauntlet - can coat fists (or any body part, however typically hands) in blood crystals and use to enhance punches. crystals are sharp. > dermal armor - without drawing blood, can change the density of blood so that stabbing/piercing attacks will not pierce dense blood; skin will still be damaged, and will bleed as normal when blood flow returns to normal blood constructs - blood can be used to create weapons; weapons will take on crystaline form. through powerful enough enough damage flesh and some armor, will likely not be a match against metal weapons -- can currently make small, crude daggers, but nothing more blood regeneration - regenerations blood at a faster pace than ordinary humans (however, still quite slow)< blood marionette - can control and manipulate the blood within one's body in order to control or move the body itself, rendering an attacker immobile, or a puppet in their hands. requires strength and concentration, leaving them open to other attacks. > faint inducement - can control or pause bloodflow to brain in order to render an attacker unconscious immediately; an untrained user can risk killing their target with this. blood doubles - can create masses of blood in the form of himself, or others, or other beings. however, these doubles are lifeless and more like puppets than proper doubles, meaning the user must concentrate deeply on pulling the strings. will still appear as a mass of blood, not an exact replica of anyone or anything.


cannot create blood; must use his own blood or the blood of others can be rendered unconscious due to blood loss, which could result in death therefore, quantity of blood is generally limited and fullbody shields/armor and large weapons are often impossible to achieve must draw blood for external use blood within another body requires more concentration to manipulate blood crystals are not maleable. liquid blood is not dangerous can use the blood of the deceased, however, only the recently deceased. cannot use clotted blood or rotten blood. cannot control (marionette) those who are a great distance away


BIRTH | born in marseille, to jean-luc lécuyer, a naval officer. jean-luc is typical veteran; he stresses high value on being a proper man and strict behaviour. his mother, victoire lécuyer, is a clerical assistant who tries to be optimistic and warm, but often worries about her son and can be too soft on him.

ELEVEN | family move to virginia, america, when his father is promoted. alexis fails to fit in at school and his parent's relationships starts to deteriorate.

FIFTEEN | alexis develops his mutation after witnessing domestic abuse.

FIFTEEN | alexis meets jasper online. while he gives jasper the same persona everyone else receives, over time he begins to trust the man and view him as his best friend.

SIXTEEN | alexis has a breakdown in public after becoming too stressed with his homelife. after spending time in hospital recovering, alexis is sent to the school by his father--alexis does not want to go and doesn't tell anyone, instead saying that he's at boarding school.

SEVENTEEN | after spending a year at the school with no progress being made, alexis is allowed to return home. his mother has divorced his father and alexis no longer has contact with him. because of this, alexis now lives in canada.



Trivia »

  • His biases are: yuju; girlfriend. yoona; snd. sulli; f(x). baekhyun; exo. key; shinee. leeteuk; super junior. jimin; bts
  • Alexis' favourite food is gratin dauphinoist; his mother made him it a lot as a child and it's the ultimate carby-comfort food for him..
  • Alexis' favourite medium to work with is watercolors. He enjoys still life drawing as it gives him a reason to leave the house. He tends to paint flowers most.
  • While he isn't hugely into video games, Alexis does play them casually. He likes Animal Crossing and Pokemon a lot, as well as games like Fantasy Life, Harvest Moon, Style Savvy and Disney Magical World.

Deadly SinSlothMajorTArcanaMoon

Relationships »


[ best friend, crush ]

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[ close friend ]

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[ ??? ]

TEXT TExt text

[ ex ]

text text text


[ friend ]

text text text


[ friend ]

text text text

Character owned by chloe . Design by spicymom. Profile CSS by Wicked

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