


6 years, 9 months ago


Dr.theorem is a space and time traveling scientist. due to a..." interesting" accident, it left his left arm, eye, and both legs damaged beyond repair. as the last stitch attempt to keep his studies and adventures going he took a HUGE risk and removed the ruined limbs himself after his doctors refused him and after the limbs (and eye) were removed he replaced them with robotic parts that he was originally going to make a robot companion with, thus why he has robotic limbs. he made his time and space machine himself (which took years by the way).

he's a cocky, arrogant, selfish bastard...or at least that's how he would appear on the surface. he WANTS people to see him like that so they'll stay away and not get hurt from any mistakes he might make during his experiments. his experiments often times must include a test subject as you could probably guess, he hates those experiments.he's actually very emotional and very loving he just wants to push people away because he feels like he'll just burden them and hurt them in the long run because of all his experiments and adventures. as a result of feeling like that he acts like a d*ck to push people away even going so far as to hide his care about them. his catchphrase: "I don't care(I actually do)"

his robotic arm has a laser cannon on the palm (kinda like iron man's repulsor blast in a way) his robotic limbs have enhanced speed and strength.     his robotic eye has nothing really special. his robotic limbs are waterproof...but they can be overloaded, crushed with enough force, and melted at a high enough temperature.