Michiya Sakushi



3 years, 6 days ago


Michiya Sakushi, is a 23 year old Civilian as a bartender in an infamous bar as. He has raised him all on his own ever since his little brother, Shizuno, was 13, Shizuno was 7 at the time, after they were both involved in a tragic accident that took their parents from them. The two bounced from home to home in Foster Care due to their poor attitude towards others,Michiya was always aggresive and often got into screaming matches with everyone involed to protect his younger brother by horrible foster families. However when Michiya turned 16 he was told by the system that if they both didnt clean up their act soon, they would most likely be seperated.

Michiya decided then and there that he couldnt trust the System to take care of them anymore, and that he would care for both of them from then on. To start off he lucked out" and managed a lack lustre minimum wage cashier job at a convenience store. The kind hearted owner let them both live above the store for little to no rent. He spent the next 4 years supporting and raising Shizuno, all while barely graduating from high school. Once he became 20, he and his brother moved put to a much better above bar apartment, in hopes that Michiya could work as a bartender. Thankfully the bar owner graciously hired him, and hes been working there ever since.

Michiya never really had any dreams of a grand future for himself, and very much enjoyed his current lifestyle. Despite the fact that he mainly is focused on keeping his troublemaker sibling outta constant problematic situations, he fully supports Shizuno’s dreams of being a Hero's Sidekick. Even if he doesnt fully understand his drive or reasoning for doing so.

Michiya has an extremly unique and power quirk called Reality Warp. He can make anything he wishes (to a certain extent) appear out of thin air or change existing things, as long as it isnt organic. But this isnt on a quantum level, take a ticket to disney world for an example. He could copy and existing ticket to actually go, but he cant MAKE one with reservations because it would just look like a ticket, he would have to buy one to actuallt be in the system. If he wanted to he could make real money or cellphones, though he doesnt because its extremely illegal. He cannot make animals appear (plants take effort), change anything about a humans body (execpt hair and nails) or mess with the weather to much (he can make few rain clouds or a mini hurricane/tornado). Even if he could do more than what he thinks it would take, it would be so much mental energy that he could seriously harm himself by pushing his limits, he doesnt wish to try. When he activates his quirk his eyes go fully black and the markings on his body glow softly.

When Michiya feels extreme emotions is when he should be cautious the most. His eyes don't darken but his marks glow and his quirk will randomly create things around him, like lights in his hair, uncontrollable raging fires or rain clouds above his head. If he ever gets out of control is an extreme situation where he is unresponsive and his quirk in creating to much for his mind to keep up, the only thing to do is knock him out to stop the overuse of his quirk, if he uses it too much he has the risk of causing internal bleeding in his brain. He has a large limit, from using his quirk almost everyday for midinial things, but that limit still exists and he rarely goes past it.

Michiya always has to keep a harsh control over his emotions. He is very guarded and doesnt let ANYONE get close to him but his brother. He doesnt wish to lose control over his quirk so he keeps himself unemotional, dry and harsh. thanks to this he doesnt have any friends besides his coworkers. If he took off the mask he would be grumpy and combative, but have a very sweet soft side. He is only kind to those kind to him and is honestly extremely shy, but he hides that shyness and comeplete awkwarness and that he has no fucking clue how to social interact with other humans correctly over his unemotional and harsh exterior. He is honestly kinda goofy, and enjoys bad jokes and is very easily flustered. He has never gotten when someone as flirted with him. When it comes to his beloved brother he is extremly self sacrifing and will always put his needs above his own. He is a great guardian and raised him as BEST as he could and just wished he could give him a better life. But he is very happy with how his life is now.