Rossie (JoJo stuff)



It would be clearer if I wrote all of that mess here, yes? Or at least the 'if he were in canon' kinda stuff
I shall be doing that eventually~~~~~~~~~

Natural-Born Stand user

If he was canon, we can imagine what stuff wouldda been like. For the fun of it~

Part 3____________________________________________________________________

Well well, here's something fun. We did travel to Egypt when I was freshly 15, it was for New Years and such, but the main thing is that Rossie's age of 14 isn't too far off and I've actually been to Egypt so that's fun

He'd be one of DIO's underlings, because a majority of the cast is. Le fleshbud here we go. Mostly abducted or something during a family vacation. We did in fact go to Kairo and explored stuff. There was a bazaar so you could kinda twist that into getting lost and then wandering somewhere apart from your family. It was 1988 when Part 3 took place, so if Rossie then kinda says things like having gotten a job etc. or doing some work or whatnot, it might be more acceptable than what it'd be in this day and age? Who knows but I don't want for him to fully just run away and leave his family to panic because I Know they'd panic and be in shambles and I don't want to think about that so I'll say that he reunites with his family shortly after and it's like 'oh yeah sounds nice, we'll have our vacation and you can kinda stay behind to do that thing you said you'd do. Just remember to call us, ok?' Most likely he'd be a decent regular human person towards outsiders, like his family. If the fleshbud would typically make him hurt anyone who'd interfere or make him just run off and focus on his task, we'll call in the other half who still cares for family and wants for them to not worry.

His main job would be to be a scout. He's decent in combat but mostly long range combat. Someone has to report to DIO and the rest about the Crusaders' whereabouts. If he could just snipe them that'd be a bit too easy and hey I like the little journey and all the Crusaders and don't want to hospitalize any of them out of nowhere (god this is a tad painful if you know what I mean xD). But yeah like, he'd have to encage in combat eventually. Not sure when would be a good time. Before Egypt arc. though I feel. I'll have to look at the episode order and stuff again. Lovers before after? Probably before then, so.... Maybe between Justice & Lovers, it would give the Crusaders an extra episode with Enya and perhaps a capture of one of your bosses would be a good reason to try and hit it up in combat. The fog made by Justice would also have been quite the aid for Rossie because sniper stays more hidden - though 50/50, he wouldn't have been able to see as well either. And depending on if he was there when J Geil was powned, Enya might be angy or maybe she won't blame him too much because Hol Horse and J Geil were team and therefor more involved than what Rossie could have been. We'll have to see about that
Things would probably involve Rossie reporting to DIO or Terence or someone about Enya's loss and capture, which would prompt them to give him the order of setting her free again. And because of Hol Horse stealing the car, the Crusaders are somewhat stranded in zombie-town for now. Though I forget if the town was an illusion or if the buildings still remain etc. (Speaking of that whole thing. If Rossie was around you could definitely have him help Enya convince the Crusaders to get in the hotel. The dead may not be able to do much, but an actual living being could certainly go and say 'oh yeah hey there's a hotel here run by a nice old lady, you should definitely look around for it or her, though she has the tendency of finding you first~' and that'd immediately make her coming to them so conveniently with her hotel scheme and such a little bit less suspicious. Not A Lot but still a little bit as someone else would have talked out it before her. Someone not dead. He'd also be neutral on Hol Horse. Failed a mission, ran away, but still a member of team DIO so... He ok?

+ At this point Avdol is kinda out for the count, so Rossie joining the team after losing (that whole commotion needs to be planned out still), it could be a bit more of a faulty 'ok we got X amount of Crusaders again lookie lookie~

He'd not be around them a lot immediately, but still, him reporting about Enya and then DIO and stuff deciding that she has to go would give more of a reason for Steely Dan to be where he was and doing what he did. Rossie might still be nearby and all that. He could consider sniping but at the risk of it killing Joseph if he himself didn't do a good enough job he'd have to hold back on doing it, meaning the episode plays out as normal. He could maybe send a tracker woof after Jotaro and Dan so they'd know where they were at any time. Dunno if he'd play a part in the finale bit where Kakyoin is able to kinda follow the Lovers stand and stuff, one could always tell the distance of the enemy and make a decision on it being enough to be covered by Hierophant Green. Who knows

Death 13 Rossie would definitely sit out. He's likely not keen on babies, would give up his seat for that and still keep his distance from the Crusaders, heading after them later and most likely ending up on that plane or whatever that gets them out of the desert after that commotion

He wouldn't go on the detour to get Avdol so no Hail 2 You for him and no submarine - which he'd probably be terrified of anyway. So perhaps he goes to Egypt beforehand and arrives there before the others. Reunites with them either during or after Anubis
Gets along with Iggy aight because dog, but certainly no besties

For some reason I'm certainly imagining him fighting Alessi (maybe because I really don't like Alessi xD) And firstly, natural-born stand user = He'll still have Coyote, but Secondly, since his other half technically is the one that controls Wolf and has been there since who knows when and all that stuff with the other side - including 'how would you ever reach that' etc. Wolf most likely stays the same while Coyote would get slightly chibi-fied alongside the user. Though insert a silly bit about me loving jumping rope stuff as a kid and being fairly good at it too + Since Rossie in Part 3 is fairly young still, I'd assume that his physical health is better and his reaction speed is even faster. So while he might get caught off-guard first, getting him a second time won't be easy, especially if his other half has his back and warns him beforehand.  So Alessi would Definitely get destoyed. But I'd still like for the episodes to play mostly the same (even if they kinda haunt me. My god.) and I'd get a lot of seratonin seeing Jotaro beat him up, so that episode would pretty much go as it did originally.
Though we'll toss in Rossie coming across Alessi after he has lost sight of Polnareff for a bit, Alessi can try his things, fail quite miserably but manage to escape somehow. Rossie won't be remembering any of the Crusaders so he'll Mostly be like, where the heck is he and how did he get here, and depending on how young he'd get - although with his age of 14 it really doesn't require a lot - he'd lose his ability of speaking in English and just, default to Finnish and that'd be a big ono in a way. There'd probably be police or something because there's a lost foreign kid here, wtf. But the Alessi situation gets resolved fairly quickly and everyone affected gets back to normal so in the end Rossie would just have to go "Oh officers, what ever do you mean? A Child? Nah, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, here, my (fake) ID. Ya'll best begetting some water to stay hydrated, sunstrokes are pretty serious" And then reunite with the crusaders

Most likely after that point he'd hang around closer with the rest of the Crusaders
Dunno exactly how the bets with D'Arby would go, most likely he'd be there with Avdol, saying that he'd be next if anything happens, kinda reluctant to betting his soul since he's so new and well he could just deflect because he's just a recent addition and he really ain't that important or invested in the stuff soooooooooooooo~~~ But in the end he'd also sign up his soul to add onto Jotaro's bet to allow him to match D'Arby, saying that that determination has really won him over and well if he loses here he'll have no regrets.
But they 'win' so that's nice.

Also speaking of which, there'd have to be something about him, the mansion and his Stand, because Wolf is a tracking Stand so he could easily locate the mansion with that. So.... Maybe Wolf is a somewhat fresh stand, or one who really is controlled by the other half rather than him, and he's not that entwined with the other half just yet so he can't choose to use it and it's mostly only triggered for defensive reasons and stuff and he can't quite just call upon it all that freely.
Might see the kid swim up after Iggy to save him from drowning, and then helps get him to the Speedwagon foundation or whom ever it was that aided him with the leg
After that Rossie is probably going to stay outside on guard for reasons if something goes wrong. That or he's with Joseph, Jotaro & Kakyoin for the Terence fight because I don't really want to toss him into Vanilla Ice fight because the outcome has to be the same still and his 'Hunter Card' ability would cheese Vanilla Ice, which would not be good for the story, it'd take a lot out of the emotional fight and we ain't here to lose that

And then I've no idea about the DIO fight and how that'd go. 'Hunter Card' prevents him from dying there because that'd just be an instant kill on DIO. Maybe it'd be a worthy sacrifice but if someone were to know about that ability it'd most likely be DIO and while he is a huge troll and makes mistakes because of the whole 'gotta troll everyone and have a little fun with it' instead of 'snap you're dead', he ain't stupid
So Rossie would have to be played out somewhere else. Damage and cripple but don't kill. Maybe he gets a snipe shot in there somewhere but ain't able to do much after that. Perhaps as the rest of the Crusaders yeet themselves out the window Rossie is kinda left behind in a way. He is younger, not quite as mature or smart and there's a chance he could just freeze in a situation like that - or just say that he'll buy them some time because yeah, while the Sun Was still out it was out only for a very little time + sun sets much faster the closer to the equator you are = you really don't have a lot of time. It might work to do something and the plot gets to be what it ended up on being (and we sob)
After things are done and dealt with he'd have survived and would either get on a plane of his own do some hitch-hiking or whatnot to get to his homeland, or share a plane with Polnareff and then continue home from France on a different plane

Part 4____________________________________________________________________

Better and more proper of a control over his other Stand, so he'd have a literal tracking dog with him in a way. And this would make him quite useful when it comes to tracking down rogue stand users and a literal murderer

Part 5____________________________________________________________________

He has a friend in Italy who is a part of the Passione stuff thingie in (Spa)Ghetti, buddyo pal~ No idea how those things would turn out. He ain't really affiliated so the whole commotion wouldn't really be his thing. He could Kinda go as mental support for Koichi, or just be there for his own reasons, watching stuff unfold from the backseat with Ghetti also being minorly involved with the plot. The only things he'd really be aware of would be Trish and Bucciarati-gang trying to deliver her and stuff. I forget how much La Squadra's rebellion was brought into the spotlight, like if Diavolo knew that they and others were kinda after Trish and BucciGang at that moment, but yeah, his information on stuff is kinda limited and he's mostly there just to hang around with his friend. It just happens to be one wild week for stuff to be happening
He might end up on helping Polnareff or such since he's Technically a former member of the Stardust Crusaders as well so it'd make some sense at least for him to help a guy out if he did know about stuff. Who knows, he could be kind of a double-agent with which Ghetti is also a double-agent in a way since he's not exactly into the things his bosses/payment-givers do stuff, so this whole crisis and commotion might just be a nice interesting chance for all of them

Part 6____________________________________________________________________

We about to be too sad and emotional
But he's probably not all that involved here, having his own life and stuff. Who knows if the Speedwagon Foundation call for him when stuff goes to heck with Jotaro, or if he knows about stuff at all
Might be living with Ghetti, who knows