Allen Ronald Hughes



6 years, 10 months ago


  • Name: Allen Ronald Hughes 
  • Age: 23 
  • Gender: Male 
  • Height/Weight: 1.92 m / 95 kg 
  • Personality: Happy, spontaneous, INTENSE, expresive af, acts before thinking, impatient, he gets angry easily, very loving.
  • Status: Taken

  • Story: In an alternative future reality, in a world plagued by contamination of all types but even more of visual contamination, Allen decided to be a graphic designer. Maybe it was because of the demand for that position every time the society exploited more and more of the graphics to communicate, to expand the brands over the minds of the people and the seller, which was more than that; it was hard to admit that it was the career that he loved, because a failure when performing it. Born in the Cherrygrove town of Johto, Allen always had a very normal life. Son of parents in a stable family that always supported him, and that was glad when his son said he wanted to be a graphic designer in "NovaTerra" when he was just a child. Since companies have begun to expand to a global level due to hunger and money, they already have grown by 200% when he was 16. However, it was not a secret for Allen's acquaintances, who knew him since childhood, that he had had a craving for creation and maybe one of the biggest imaginations. He drew a lot, always inspired by the stories of the old beings1 that his father told him that once lived on the planet Nova. The idea of a "Pokemon World" felt too far when he closed his eyes and imagined the giant beings, the beasts with the power to generate earthquakes and floods that let humans to control them. It fascinated him. There were no stopping drawings of stories that implied a character, a single boy looking for them, silly strips worthy of a child with too much imagination. Sure, a world that no longer exists at all. But that never stopped him from imagining it. When he had the age to choose what he wanted to study, the continuous colors and fantastic worlds inside his head made him chose, first, he began his career with the intention of finding a person more interested in the same stories and maybe, just maybe, start to create the stories he made since he was a kid in a more professional way in which they weren't always just dreams. That was the most innocent presumption of his life. Pokemon were nothing more than a joke to most people he studied with, a mockery for a career that was so serious at the time; his dreams only caused laughter every time he tried to share with his friends the fascinating stories in his mind. "Aren't those the rats in the sewers, the annoying birds that leave diseases in the cities, you're so stupid, you talk as if my aunt's Purrloin was something fascinating." Selling, selling and selling was the only thing that really mattered to them. With nothing to be desired, the last years of his career he hid all of his projects, personal works and aspirations in a box, and concentrated on learning what would actually feed him.
        By the age of 20, already a graduate of his career, he had become a boring clerk. His work? It consisted of changing graphic formats from here to there, social media, advertising already recycled, crude and cheap from previous years; new ideas that blatantly hid the money that the company he worked for wanted to win. A mediocre, monotonous and repetitive employee life was what made him sigh every day while always hiding everything he wanted to do. His ability to trace and draw was lost over the years to learn new techniques faster and more efficient for his work, they were never really gone though. It was the clear example of an adult with a child's mind who waited every day at 8 p.m. to get to his ugly little department and start creating his nonsense nonprofit. Silly comics, with a silly humor and unknown Pokemon in the middle... but that motivated him to continue with his tedious work every day.
    Perhaps he was hoping that something, anything, told him that what he really wanted to do, was not foolish without foundations and that he was not a fool for continuing to believe in all that fantastic world that he struggled to draw and redesign in his mind.

    ... It was there when he received an email, one that certainly did not bother him to respond at all. there is said "New adventure" with actual "Pokemon" involved, and tt was all he needed to take his things and leave for it.

1 He meant Pokemon, in the Novaterra reality, for normal people they're not much than common animals, this is why he found amazing the fact that they could have been really huge and awesome.


  • Extras:  
    • The T-shirt he uses is very long and it kind of simulates a skirt. He loves the breeze (?) And the ease that they give him to move around. He found useful to wear a comfortable garment for an unexpected adventure.
    • Actually he does have a small series of animated and really badly drawn short clips, and black humor comics about his "sona" and his best friend (non existant at that moment) who travel the world trying to figure out how to catch Pokemon (which goes from asking the beasts to enter in their "balls" or throwing slips of paper with saliva until the Pokemon is bored and agree to accompany them, is a style more or less like this and it has a silly plot, usually all the characters end comically dead.
    • He knows the names and appearances of only some Pokemon because of his father's stories and books of myths and legends bought him as a child, but he really does not know much about them, his fascination to "imagine" as they would be, forced him never to investigate in depth they, because I preferred to imagine them fantastic. Usually for the chapters of your comic just choose some random from an encyclopedia and imagine what they do.
    • His dad did not left him but he divorced his mother when he was a kid and he decided to be with her, so he doesn't really knows much more about him atm. He loves him tho!
    • He loves junk food, but he can not eat too much because he tends to get fat easily.
    • He loves anime a lot, but he treats it as normal TV series, not as part of Japanese culture.
    • She has all the pink Pokemon stuffed animals she finds in her bed, and in his travel suitcase, probably. He also has a tiny tiara for when he feels special.
    • He loves pink (it's his favorite color), he dyes certain parts of his hair every so often. Not as much as before, because once he dyed his beard by accident and he did not get a job because of that for 6 months.
    • For some time he has been looking for apartments in Lilycove city and has the dream of moving there, he has visited Hoenn before and the city fell in love with the Pokemon art museum.
    • He wants to be an animator, he will eventually, but he just only knows how to do a few things by himself