


2 years, 11 months ago



One of the owners of the Dungeons & Burgers Luderia, Ítalo is a hard-working baker and expert grill master, the talented chef who created the scrumptious items on their menu. Ítalo was born in a big family in Venza, a neighboring country with too many social and economic problems to count - and yet, there was never a lack of love and support from his family and friends to move abroad. His uncle taught young Ítalo how to bake, and was the first to support his dreams of pursuing a better life in forein countries. Ítalo worked hard and overachieved, sending money to his relatives and occasionally hitting the road to visit them on the holidays. In one of said trips, he decided to bring his young brother Juliano along, seeing how they had better schools - and especially the health care he so desperately needed back in Riverview. Ítalo is a dedicated brother and clever business partner, which lead to him and his best friend Anderson to open a luderia together, where Ítalo bakes and grills the best homemade hamburgers in town.

  • Hard-working
  • Clever
  • Smug
  • Confident
  • Honest
  • Road tripping
  • Playing tabletop RPG
Favorite Food
  • Buffalo wings
  • His biggest ambition to this date is to reproduce his uncle's arepa recipe. But although there's an abundance of ingredients and kitchen supplies, all his attempts have failed so far and so Ítalo's frustration keeps on building...
  • When Ítalo takes a days off during the weekend, he enjoys hanging out at the Serenade Foodtruck Square to enjoy their pletera of multi-cultural culinary and the live music, specially if it's a rastapé he can dance with a partner or two~
  • On their most recent roleplaying campaign, Ítalo's character is the Bard of their party.


Best friend / business partner
Ítalo says he was the first to approach Anderson at Serene Foodtruck Square, praising his Pathfinder themed shirts when he used to work at Andy's favorite burger joint for an abusive boss lady. They had hit it off right away, sharing similar geeky tastes and usually hanging out for a drink after Ítalo's shift. And so their friendship grew as it was was destined to, then both joined forces to open their own business - they're inseparable, and now cannot see themselves one without the other!



Love interest
Ítalo met Noah when he was having a milkshake by himself at the luderia, so quiet and focused on his book... He looked like a prince,it was love at first sight! To know that Noah would participate in their next D&D campaign made Ítalo more than thrilled to join them as well, but he knew the spunky kid wouldn't be that easy to impress... During their campaign, they got to know each other better and after seeing Noah's purity of character from behind the curtains, Ítalo's heart was taken by the boy. Loving a trans man was an entirely new experience for Ítalo, but he wants to show Noah how to love, with care and passion - but also taking it steady and taking their time to know each other.

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