


3 years, 8 days ago



Name Mars
Called -
Age Adult
Gender Male
Major Element Storm
Minor Element Oaths
Territory Mountians, cold pine forest
Demeanor Stoic, honourable
Hoard Trophies from defeated foes


  • Flying
  • Sweet red berries
  • Quiet
  • Rain


  • Sand
  • Knights in armour (with their bastard little lances...)
  • Chilli peppers


  • Sage (Mate)
  • Titurna (Friend/partner)
  • Meredith (Great-great Grandmother)


  • Excellent night vision, though cannot see colour without light
  • Immune to lightning-based attacks
  • Can summon lightning and stormclouds
  • Can sense anything within a cloud, even if obscured
  • Weather has a tendency to mimic his moods, especially within his territory


Mars' territory is a tall mountain range surrounded by dense pine forest. He feels a strong urge to protect his lands, including the (ungrateful) humans who live there. He spends most nights patrolling the forest, killing night-creatures, wyverns, and other enemies.

Every now and then he'll take a pilgrimage up to the highest mountain, to be with the skies and storms. It's very peaceful. Sadly, he can't resist the compulsion to return to the lowlands to defend territory.

His hoard is a collection of trophies and trinkets taken from his fallen foes.

Mars had two clutch-mates, an elder brother (hatched first) and a younger one (hatched after Mars). His youngest brother was weak and sickly, but thoughtful and kind. Mars was very fond of him, and did not want to kill him when they left the nest as is tradition. He had intended to take his youngest brother with him, and protect him.

His eldest brother, to put it mildly was... not very nice.

Things - as they are wont to do - did not go as planned. Mars's younger brother sought him out, and begged him to kill him. Their eldest brother intended to use Mars' fondness against him, to force Mars into submission by threat of harming the youngest brother. The youngest explained that even if Mars acquiesced, their eldest brother would not keep his word. Fleeing, also, was not an option: he would be hunted. So, as he had to die, he wanted it to be by Mars' merciful hand.

With a heavy heart he agreed. Mars keeps a small scale from his youngest brother in memory of him. He fashioned it into a pendant.

Mars also slew his eldest brother, who truthfully (for all his bluster and threats) was weaker than Mars. He took one of his large plate scales, and fashioned it into a spear.

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