Arius's Comments

what all would you take for this char? like usd/ac/points/art/other chars?

Anything really ^^ Offer whatever

is there anyone in my th that interests you? if not I can offer currencies. 

Hello I’m so so sooo so so sorry for the late reply! Completely forgot about this ^^”- But if you’re still looking to offer, I didn’t really find anyone except some people in your nfs folder. Them to be specific

It’s ok if it’s a straightforward no for those, I completely get something like that ^^”

Ahh no it's perfectly fine. I'd be alright with any of them as a trade. Just lemme know who exactly you'd prefer the most.

Sorry again for the late reply, was busy today ^^”

But I’d honestly mostly trade for Pastel and/or Pumpkin :0

3 Replies