


6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Lenore (Dark Elves in this universe don't have surnames)


Dark Elf (NOT Drow)


Ark (Created by RyanToTheTenth)




Captain of the ship; Maya's Fortune


Elphor (Elf, First Mate), Daroc (Orc, Warrior, Romantic Partner), Hayden (Human, Kinetomancer, Pickpocket & Cook), Anya (Dwarf, Bard), Ferana (Human, Pyromancer), Polly (Magical Creature, Mascot, Raptor made of pure magic)


Tall, lithe and wirey. Very light grey/blue skin (almost white). Snow white hair and solid black eyes. See images for more reference.


Cocky, impulsive, caring, sassy, snarky, quippy.


Is able to shift into a large, feral wolf as part of a contract with Fenroth, the Wolf King.


Lenore had a quiet childhood. Her parents were travelling merchants based between Blackriver (Dark Elf central) and the southern human-lands. It wasn't bad, but to Lenore it was incredibly boring. At the age of about 24, she ran away. Left a note, took some gold and made her way to a small town near the coast. She wanted to explore. She yearned for it. An inn-keeper named Maya took her in and gave her a bartending job. Lenore worked long hours, saving every tip and scrap she got. She and Maya became extremely close friends. In a town where travelers and sailors came and went, they were each other's only steady friend. They talked constantly of their dreams and plans. Lenore wanted a boat, Maya thought she was crazy. But her heart was set. 

Eventually, Lenore had enough coin to buy the most basic of ships. Problem was, she was on her own. It would be impossible. Maya would never leave the inn, and Lenore wouldn't ask her to. She needed a crew. Venturing back to Blackriver to embark on this crazy quest, she witnessed quite the bar fight between a crew. Her eyes settled on an Elf; tall, lithe and very talented with the pistol he was wielding. Not thinking ahead, she dashed into the action. He was confused but didn't turn down her help. She learned he was a captain, but his crew seemed... rowdy. Lenore proposed the pair of them team up. He was in two minds. She had no experience and insisted SHE would be the captain, but for a change of pace and to try something new, he agreed. She now had a First Mate. 

Two wouldn't be enough. They were both wirey Elves and decided some muscle would be needed. They hired Daroc, and Orc, to travel with them briefly while they found their footing. Thing is, he never left. Hayden was picked up in a town while trying to steal some spellbooks. Lenore covered for him and offered him a job as the ship thief. They all fell in together through random happenstance and now sail happily doing odd jobs and making coin.