Apis's Literatures

1 year, 4 months ago

Mild Violence

Minor violence/slapping, and a lot of swearing/insults (damn Apis, wash yo mouth out with soap bro /lh)

After the Down With the Old, in with the New group event, Marshal Apis is summoned to Marli Roseum's den to discuss his little...outburst, after she was announced as leader. The Marli asks Marshal Asp to attend as "extra insurance" in case Apis tries to attack again. When he inevitably does, Apis clearly had not considered the consequence of his actions...EXILE from Lan-Hraeth.

Mild Violence

CW: Non-detailed violence, verbal abuse, swearing, and shouting/threats as well as some minor scuffling/fighting

Roseum calls what remains of her warrenmates to the skull pulpit one final time, to destroy the Wolf's Jaws so they may never again be used to murder another rabbit in cold blood. In the chaos that descends, Shaman Arrow receives a sign from the Omnis, who have indicated Roseum is to take over as leader and become the Marli of Lan-Hraeth, leading the warren into a new era...but not all are pleased with this decision, of course.

2 years, 4 months ago
6857 1

Yareer-Hlaf tries to spend some time in peace and quiet by the lake, chewing on some peppermint. However, her serenity is swiftly interrupted when oh-so cocky Marshal Apis makes an unwanted appearance.