Tejillix Newn



Name: Tejillix (Jill or Jillix) Newn

Height: 4' 6" , extends legs to 5' 4"

Species: Ideskri

Occupation: Mercenary/ Saboteur

Jillix is an Ideskri, a species that hatches from egg clusters in  asteriod belts, and hitches rides on passing space ships with their  suction cup feet and hands.
Once inside they wreak havoc on ship  wiring and the like with their bioelectricity. They also imprint on the  accent and culture of whatever ship they happen across.
Jillix became  a saboteur and grenadier , and now works as a mercenary. She is  outgoing and social, surprisingly flirty, and a prankster and lover of  chaos.

A lover of chaos, explosions, and booty of all kinds. Jill's loyalty is shaky at best, and she'll just flake at the slightest sense of being bored or better opportunity. Ideskri are very flippant about their short lives, having seen dozens of their siblings die even before hatching or distribution. Its hard to make her, or any Ideskri be serious and they never end up having ver prestegious jobs, and are usually seen as vermin.