
3 years, 8 days ago


Full Name: Hugo Rosso

Age: At least 70-80, looks 30ish

Height: 5' 7"

Nationality: Italian/American

Occupation: Artist/Vampire

Likes: Video Nasties, low-budget movies, being pretentious 

Dislikes: Anything mainstream, other peoples opinions

A strange outsider artist who was active in the 60s and early 70s before mysteriously disappearing, after he became a vampire.

Currently he lives in a basement apartment in the city, disguised as his own nephew to explain away his similar appearance and artistic ability, not that many people know about his art in the first place, it doesn't hang in any museums and instead is passed around online in small circles across social media that have interest in outsider artists as a curiosity and a tragic tale of an artist misunderstood who met a strange end. However, he's not happy with his small following as they're constantly misreading his art and he can't condescend to them without breaking his cover. However, ever since the art dealer he found to peddle his paintings ran off on him he's resorted to working maintenance at his apartments.

He's a pretentious jerk, he does think he is smarter than most other people and dislikes everything and anything mainstream, he's stubborn and only likes people who agree with what he says but if they're too close to how he thinks he'll assume they're copying him or don't have a mind of their own. The only way to get through that is if someone is persistent and shows themselves to be truly devoted to art, then he might start to respect them, that or he'll create a one-sided rivalry and view that person as an artistic nemesis. He hates people who view art in an objective way, if someone were complain about a continuity error in a film or say "I could do that" to a piece of modern art he would definitely paint them as a new victim in a Bosch style painting of hell, or maybe just bite them on the spot. Unfortunately for him, he is not good at art at all. He has no formal training and his pretentious mindset keeps him from learning from others, he thinks the worst thing an artist can become is a technician and priorities his artistic vision over building his skills and also lacks any kind of charm or charisma.

Aside from all his negative qualities he's very resilient, he's very good at keeping a level head and he's a very focused person, able to keep on a task for several hours (Or days, now that he doesn't need to keep up with the needs of a human body). He has an average level of intelligence and is physically fit. Despite being a jerk to others he's not a total misanthrope and dislikes people who hate everyone just as much as he dislikes people who are constantly peppy, and he is able to interact with people without starting a fight if he really wants to.

He primarily hunts sleeping humans, using his break-in skills and enhanced vampiric abilities to climb to high floors on high rise apartments, where security is more lax. He leaves them alive where he can, killing people is usually too messy and he hates having to clean up after himself. His "day" job working maintenance helps him a lot with this. His vampiric strength manifested primarily in toughness and general strength, without many extra powers a lot of other vampires tend to have. He has decided to solve this issue by investing a fair amount of time and practice into using the various inconspicuous urban weaponry available in stores and lying around dark alleys, hammer, crowbars, power tools, wooden planks, etc.