


3 years, 12 days ago




aloof . social . caring




Ringed Fantail



Sync is an air-headed, thoughtful individual. He splits his time equally between exploring/travelling, and visiting his father and Kiev. While he can get stuck in his own head quite often, he tends to do so accidentally. When not worrying about the future, reminiscing on the past or spacing out at random, Sync likes to socialise and spend time with others.

Sync is very fascinated by nature and the skies, and likes to spend many hours lying on his back, watching clouds pass by or comets fly across the horizon.

Yesterday's experiences make me stronger today.

  • Hanging out with Kiev
  • Fantail light shows
  • Stars
  • Most bugs
  • Freezing weather
  • Being alone for long periods

The Past

Sync was late to hatch. His older sister, Ivy, was from the same brood as him and hatched at the expected time. Despite Sync’s extended family being certain the Fantail wouldn’t hatch, his parents and sister knew otherwise. One foggy morning, Sync’s father went out hunting while his mother stayed close to their cave, searching for plants or leaves to add to Sync’s nest while she waited for him to hatch. With both parents out of the cave, a scavenging dragon that had been eyeing the nest managed to sneak in undetected, killing and eating Ivy, who tried and failed to protect her unhatched brother. Before the dragon could get the chance to sink his teeth into Sync’s egg, his mother returned upon picking up the unfamiliar scent and battled the dragon until Sync’s father returned and the dragon retreated. The parents were devastated at their daughter’s death, and began to wonder if their families might have been right, that Sync would never hatch. Not a few hours later, once night came, the egg that held Sync finally cracked open to reveal a healthy male Fantail, and a devastating night turned just a little less sorrowful for the parents. Soon after, Sync’s father and mother decided to leave with their hatchling and find a new place to live. For the first few years of Sync’s life, his mother slowly deteriorated in health until she succumbed to the infections her battle wounds had given her. Radio, refusing to give up his happiness and wanting to be there for Sync, decided to start travelling with him, choosing to share the best parts of his own and his partner’s lives with him. At the age of fifteen, Sync and Radio found a good place to call home; a mountain near a human village with plenty of good lookout spots and good hunting grounds. At age sixteen, Sync began to travel and first met Kiev.

The Present

Nowadays, Sync spends his time either exploring on his own, travelling with Kiev or spending time with his father, telling him of his adventures with his best friend and all the dragons he meets. A regular day in Sync’s life may include stargazing, naming constellations, putting on light shows with Kiev, sleeping, or flying out further and further than the week before. Sync spends his time gazing off into the sky, longing for something with no name and no destination. He only hopes that one day he can satisfy his insatiable need to travel and find what he searches for, even though he doesn’t know what that is, yet.
  • Sync is sometimes slow to conclusions, he can take a little longer than others to understand things (like jokes). Kiev finds this amusing.
  • When Sync was a kid, he used to trip up over himself constantly. It made his mother laugh, so when she passed, he made a constant effort to walk slowly and steadily, not wanting to be reminded of the bittersweet memory.
  • There’s nothing Sync loves more than having light shows with Kiev. One time he asked Kiev to have them for two whole weeks in a row. At first Kiev was confused, then a little tired of it, but found it funny overall by the end of it. It’s something he teases Sync about frequently.




Sync’s father. The two used to travel together when Sync was younger, after the death of his mother. Radio is admired by his son who hopes to be as good as him when he’s his age.



Sync’s closest friend and ally. Sync adores Kiev and always wants to be around him. The two haven’t known each other for long, but Sync hopes the two have many happy years full of adventures ahead of them.



Sync has known Mui for years, curtesy of Perseus. The two of them are almost like family now and like to hang out when they’re free.



Someone Sync looks up to. He thinks Elio is very cool and wants to learn more than a few things from her. If it wasn’t for her destroying his cave every time she visits, he might invite her around more often.