


3 years, 3 months ago


Name: Hinter
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Occupation: Officially has to check his district to note down where the disease is spreading. In his spare time creates lifesize hyper-realistic human dolls, part of the trade system of the world.

Hinter has had an encounter with The Children of Death (demon like creatures) and while all the people around him got infected, he remained untouched. Or so it seemed. He is now classified as immune to their power and was sent into the City to help with the research. He doesn't know any details about the Children or about the project and true purposes of the City. 

The City assigned him the role of 'Doctor', a group of priviliged people who each play a vital role in the project of the City. Doctors are to always wear masks in public, while normal people aren't allowed to wear masks, ever (punishment might be death). Hinter's task is to check every three days all the houses in his didstrict to note down any cases of infection and keep track of how it is spreading.

Hinter likes to keep to himself and doesn't really like his task of checking up on so many people and having to socialize with all of them. In his spare time he creates hyper-realistic dolls, that could easily be mistaken for real people. He trades these in in exchange for supplies, food and extra luxury. Hinter lives alone in an appartment block, together with doctors and normal people alike. His dream was to pursue a career as a sculptor. While he prefers working with stone, the City gives him the supplies to create life-like dolls, first with fake skin, later with real skin and real human body parts.

While Hinter is believed to be immune to the Children's touch, they have touched him, but left a different mark. Slowly, he is turning into one of them, which will make of him an even bigger threat that just being infected. This transition happens very slowly. While he will remain more or less humanoid, his lower jaw will become moster-like and grow kinda out of his face. He will also grow monster teeth. Once these strange changes start to kick in, he'll do everything to find a way to stop this proces and keep his humanity.