Azidoazide Azide



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Voice Claim

Alexei Stukov - Starcraft I -


Azidoazide Azide "AA"
27 years old
Human turned into Novakid

Dimethyl Cadmium on steroids multiplied by a black hole.

Azidoazide Azide is his full name, named after the super volatile compound, and he's a story of woe.
A well known name, one of my olders that I've created. He is Generation 0 Novakid/Human who works currently under the brand name of AVALON Co.
With his trusted magnum at his side, he traverses the stars for not only treasures but also fights that he can get into. His prime inspiration is Dimethyl cadmium and often fights like him. He's a bit of a hot head though, so watch that temper or you may be sent through a wall with a hole sized hole in your chest.
How he came to be however is entirely different. Once a city walker on Earth, this wannabe bad-ass scavenged the streets with his dastardly crew of misjudged eggs, causing a ruckus up and down the streets of New Britain.  He wasn't too terribly known back then, only known as a teen with a pipe back in the days. Though, that all changed when he was elected to go on a one way trip to a moonbase for extended visit. He needed the money and experimentation was big then, as laws passed for people who willingly went in were allowed to be tested on in humane conditions. There weren't any psych-tests done at all as it was in the early days. People were tryin' to figure it all out n' all that. The conditions weren't all that great either, but I'll spare you the details.
No word from the surface at all was let out, even past the destruction of Earth. The facility went on years after until it suddenly collapsed. Right into a Blackhole with 4 escapee's on the chart. Azidoazide was one of them, as he wrote a note to the galactic coalition sayin' that he was the one who blew it up.
The details of all that went down in there were released by the boy as well, landing him in the anti-hero range as he did good there, showing that it was a baaaad thing. Detailing the excruciating pains of Plasmification and containment.
He isn't a perfect recreation, barely being bound together by a makeshift Brand from his brain and a big ol' reactor strapped to his back, but he's alive, a testament to humanity's will.